Exact_Perspective508 ⭕️🦍🦋😽 Profile picture
Shill Destroyer 🥷 Lover of 😺🦍🦋 "Conspiracy Theorist" to "Time Traveler" in 3 years. "Lies runs sprints but the truth runs Marathons".-MJ

Dec 4, 2022, 28 tweets

1) In light of @FINRA and @johnbrda's tweets, and the false accusations made about the #VoltronDD series, lets go over every piece that we covered since we've covered the #MetaManipulation of both $MMAT and $MMTLP tickers since the beginning.

2) 1st @johnbrda. I notified him on June 9th, 2022 that $MMTLP and $TRCH swaps were being used for trading on $MMTLP.
Based on his on audio, he didn't know options were traded in the OTC market and investors thought he was looking into it.

3) On July 11th, 2022, I showed @johnbrda his 2012 data was being used for both $MMTLP and $MMAT OTC tickers.
I asked if he reported any of this to any regulatory bodies to which he didn't respond.

4) On September 19th, I reminded @johnbrda that TRCH was still trading overseas like it is now and asked for updates again.

I asked him if he reported the data any regulatory bodies again for which I was blocked.

5) So @johnbrda's recent tweets against @FINRA for data accuracy and free & fair markets seems off to me, especially since me and other DDers were blocked for showing and asking him questions on the very things he seems lost about now.

6) @johnbrda had chances to report bad actors but didn't because his lawyer told him they would look into him.
So the result was he chose himself over his shareholders and $TRCH almost went bankrupt.

So how is this investor protection?

7) The other side of @FINRA the tweet that involved a very important interview with Sam Draddy going over bad actors creating social media accounts to manipulate retail communities, which we covered in part 6.

8) This evidence came from @Cyntaxed007 on March 22nd,2022. @SmokeyStock was also in there and provided intel on others as well.
So for record on #VoltronDD, WE DO NOT DOCTOR ANY EVIDENCE.
We're apes exposing #MetaManipulation, not making it.

9) What's disturbing about this is @Cyntaxed007 and @SmokeyStock were well aware that @MoneySoot was "pushing MMTLP" and representing a fake ticker in his own words.
This info was all helpful in finding Ryan Frantz.
So now why is all of this important Sam Daddy and @FINRA?

10) Because @moneymoot seems to have a connection with all these people, from the group of $MMTLP whales she represents to connections with Ryan Frantz aka Weed Works aka Butterscotch. She also seems to have connections with...

11) $MMTLP market makers since she interviewed them in this video last year and was kind enough to make a trailer for it as well.

@FINRA, @SECGov and @DOJPH should listen to this video since she interviewed a $MMTLP market maker.

12)This video details conversations she had with the market maker she calls "the boogieman".
What else is on the audio that can help in this matter of investor protection?

To my knowledge, she hasn't released this audio to any regulators @FINRA @SEC_Enforcement @DOJPH

13) Besides all the redacted audio from what the market maker said, there's a letter that @MoneySoot shows in the video where she removes the names from the letter.

14) Those letters were shared by Ryan Frantz on his ST and reddit accounts on Oct.12th, 2021, over 2 months AFTER @MoneySoot made this video and she redacted Schwab and Michael S Dunn from the letter, which we covered this odd behavior in VoltronDD Part 6.

15) Ryan Frantz lied about his Woodworks/Butterscotch identities. He also said "I created MMTLP when it was on grey market".
A very big claim until you realize the routing form he was asking about was in Pige's video w/ the Parent Order IDs redacted.

16) In "MMTLP: More FUD and it is not stopping", Pige called $MMAT and investors FUD.
She has also called it a "sympathy play" and has made unfounded claims about @palikaras and the SEC investigation.

17) So we have this connection between her and Ryan Frantz/WeedWorks/Butterscotch and Schwab...and then this connection between her, RchPhkr and Will Stuart.

18) RchPhkr claims to be one of the biggest $MMTLP shareholders yet said himself he manages these shares in multiple accounts and does not own them.
He's even joked about moving the market at times, which you can see in the charts.

19) This reminds us of another recent @DOJPH case involving Steven Gallagher than we covered in Part 6.
Steven Gallagher pleaded guilty to securities fraud.



20) RchPhkr also said he had a partner in Will Stuart. These characters are mentioned consistently by other Youtubers like @TradingSecrets7 and other #MetaFam chats.
Will Stuart also said he has met with @johnbrda.

21) Biggest issue here is the release of insider information, which it seems to be coming from RchPhkr and other insiders connected to the oil side as was said in @MoneySoot's tweets.

22) It also appears that RchPhkr and insiders are telling "influencers" what to say in these chats. It's clear from listening that Gray is reading a text from RchPhkr that he backtracks and says it's another "source".

23) To the $MMTLP pumps, there have been several new accounts, including @AShortSqueeze that showed up in May.

24) There are also $MMTLP bot accounts like @EricAlonzoLee
These accounts just started tweeting against from 6 years ago.
So are there $MMTLP bots, the answer is yes @FINRA.

25) @cvpayne if you plan on having @johnbrda, @Cyntaxed007, or @MoneySoot on your show, please check out the DD, apes want to know why they're ducking questions for months and why they want a ceasefire for a ticker in $MMTLP.



@cvpayne @johnbrda @Cyntaxed007 @MoneySoot 26) As the first DDer to cover #MetaManipulation in both tickers since June 2021, if you're going to talk investor protection, I'm all for it but the fact that I know $MMTLP pumpers are now asking for @FINRA to do their job is a little ironic to say the least.

@moneymoot Correction @MoneySoot

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