tae⁷🫧FACE Profile picture
Fic Writer || 🫧VMin’s Age🫧 || Okinawan American || Aspec || check @otsukatae_reads for live tweets of the aus I’m reading

Dec 5, 2022, 161 tweets

#jinkookau where TA Seokjin gets a pizza delivered to the lecture hall on the first day of class and absolutely demolishes it in the four minutes before class starts and Jungkook falls a little bit in love on the spot.

Some notes:

I’m a full time student and I work full-time. If you want long, frequent updates, you are in the wrong place.

Don’t pay attention to timestamps. At first, I thought I’d be the person that made accurate time stamps. Then I decided to be fucking for real instead.

This should mostly be funny, with some real REAL light angst, and a good amount of fluff.

If it’s not funny, pls forgive me. I forgot what it’s like to have friends and I haven’t written in years so like. Idk, go easy on me lmfao.

That said, let’s goooooooooooo

Profiles so far (more to be added later)

The Maknae Bestie/Roommates:

JK: Comp Sci major, freshman, panic gay

TH: Fine Art major, sophomore, platonic soulmates with JM

JM: Dance major, sophomore, platonic soulmates with TH

The Hyungs/Sexy Grad Students:

Jin: Comp Sci major, grad student, food-motivated

Joon: Philosophy major, grad student, in love w Hobi

Hobi: Fashion Design major, grad student, in love w Namjoon

Yoongi: Architectural Engineering major, grad student, softer than you think he is

1. I’m overthinking the format of my post numbers so we’re off to a great start

2. I kinda feel like Jin deserved this ngl

3. We’re all scorny for Jin actually

4. It’s impossible to be mean to Hobi

5. Some maknae shenanigans

Heyyoo welcome back everyone. And I just wanna say again, thanks so much to everyone reading, enjoying, and sharing the story. Interactions make me v happy so if ur lurking, maybe leave a like :)

Okie dokie let’s get itttt

6. How do we feel about written parts? I hope good bc there are some small written parts
#jinkookau #thepizzaau

7. Btw this is a real problem called The Three Utilities Problem. You can try it out yourself before reading on if you want, but I don’t recommend spending more than a couple minutes on it lol


9. Jin is a bit of a sadist, but can we really blame him?

10. Can you tell Yoongi’s heard this story a few times already?

11. Wherein Jungkook learns that if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes

12. I know this is the third explanation of this part but I rly wanted both of their perspectives to their friends. Also once I wrote “tell mommy all about it”, I couldn’t let go of it.

13. The gays are struggling


13. Alexa play Somebody’s Watching Me by Rockwell

14. Back to this lil baby having a hard time :(

15. Modern problems require modern solutions

16. At first I was planning for JK to say something like, “nah that’s ok”. But then I thought that people don’t indulge Taetae in his wilder plans often enough. So now we have this.

17. JK’s inside thoughts like to become outside thoughts 😕

18. We’ve all seen Joonie in slacks so I trust we can all empathize here

19. Time skip that I hope is not jarring/awkward but let me know if it is?

20. Oh to be a TA trying to grade assignments that no one is submitting 😩


22. I did warn you all that JK is a panic gay

23. I did not, however, warn you that Namjoon would also be a panic gay

24. Meanwhile on Jimin’s priv acct…


Before we start I just want to say that I’m really glad people seem to be enjoying this thing I made.

Whether you’re an active reader or a lurker, know I appreciate you a lot :)

That said, interactions make me rly happy so if you wanna, leave a like or a comment!

26. (I repeated numbers last time and we’re pretending I didn’t)

27. Yoongi communicates predominantly through cat pics and frankly that’s canon



30. Oop-

31. Seems like somebody is extra forgettable 👀

32. Super curious Tata has entered the chat (I want you all to know that my phone autocorrected tata to gays, and that just makes sense to me)

33. Super curious Tata is being super curious

34. Wonder what Tae could possibly be up to

35. Just a tiny bit called out

36. JK’s eyes are perhaps a bit more open today

37. Poor lil (big) panic gay :(

38. Honestly valid

39. Tae is such a good friend though

40. I hate the super short text screenshots but I simply can’t avoid them sorry

41. Ope, looks like our protagonists are all getting ready for the same party? (If you hadn’t noticed yet, I am in fact from the Midwest)

42. Look this cat just IS yoongi and if u disagree ur wrong

43. Moves are being made

44. Poor JK :(

Bonus: if you were wondering how taetae found lil miss pick me

Heyooo welcome baaack!

45. Wow the main ship finally actually interacts

46. Fun fact: I think that’s actually the view from a hotel? Idk I can’t remember but we can thank Pinterest for it.

47. The air gets cleared-ish (2 photos)

48. Uh oh spaghettio somebody’s having a hard time

49. You either have a friend like this or you are this friend I don’t make the rules

Heeeyyyooooo how’s it going??? Pick an emoji that encapsulates your mood pls

50. Pls appreciate the photos I include since I have to photoshop them in bc memeimessage sucks

51. My search history is getting interesting bc of this au

52. 😬🫥

53. Sorry, there had to be at least a little bit of angst and jinkook are too well adjusted in this au to fill the quota :(

54. Maybe if Jimin ignores all of his problems, they’ll just go away

55. I was having too much fun with incorrect ship names the other day so it ended up in the au

56. A for effort, Jin

57. Stream bad decisions


59. This was fun to write tbh

60. The gays are, once again, struggling


62. Sad hours are starting :(

63. Joonie is a good boyfriend

64. Jimin’s not doing much better

65. Tata is back at it, thankfully

66. Jungkookie has impeccable timing

Heyyooo! Welcome back :)

Before we start just wanna remind everyone that while I am very ace, I do still have a praise kink. Pls feed me my compliments in the QRTs thank youuu~

Lil anonymous attendance check, pick an emoji that best corresponds with your mood:

67. Jin hits his limit

68. Ominous (also this is ur reminder to not pay attention to timestamps bc they only thing they tell you is what time I was writing)

69. Nice

70. Weirdest superhero duo ever

71. I think JK’s lil demo is v helpful


73. Momma Park is very protective

74. JK is doing his best

75. Let’s all take a moment to appreciate Tae and all of his sacrifices

76. Those meddling kids

77. I swear I didn’t forget that this is a jinkook au, minjoonseok just needed a lot of attention these last few updates ok

78. Everyone cares ab Jimin so much :(

79. CW: bullying, s*xual harassment

Oopsie, I accidentally gave Jimin a tragic backstory sorry

80. Sad hours are over though, so there’s that!

Heyyooooo, welcome back! Super short update today.

As always, likes and QRTs make me happy, so don’t be shy!

Whether you’re shy or not, here’s an anon attendance check-in so I at least know you’re still reading.

Please select the emoji that best captures your mood today!

81. I promise I’ll give you more taegi moving forward I just thought this reveal would be funny



84. Oop looks like minnie spilled the beans to namseok


86. Meanwhile in Namjoon and Taehyung’s DMs

Heeeyyyyyooooooooo welcome back.

This one’s gonna be very self-indulgent tbh, pls enjoy. Compliment me in the QRTs if you’re not shy. Just do the mandatory anonymous attendance poll if you are.

How are we feeling today???

87. Wonder what Tae’s doing on his phone




91. CW: Mormonism


93. I’m sorry but also you’re welcome



96. The Pout™ has been deployed


98. Did I mention this would be self-indulgent?

99. What a weak man (author says as if they have literally any room to talk)

100. Omg 100 posts, congrats to me 🎉🥳🎊🎈


102. (I didn’t say it but obviously JK is squealing, squirming, kicking his feet)



105. They’re cute your honor

106. I hope I mentioned that this update is literally just self-indulgent


Heyyoooooooo welcome back! Sorry it’s been forever I have been a very busy bean lately.

How’s everyone feeling today?? (It’s yoongi’s birthday today so I’m gifting you all with the illusion of choice bc they’re all just yoongi)


109. Everyone say thanks JK for your contribution



112. We’ve heard it. We all know, right?

113. Monday morning…


115. Ah shit, here we go again




119. Ah yes, the tweet that started it all

120. I apparently decided that sending horrifying memes is part of JK’s brand. You’re all welcome.




124. He’s just a lil guy :(


126. Dun dun dunnnnn

Heyyyoooo welcome back :)

Especially relevant to this update is the reminder that timestamps mean nothing in this au. Interact if ya wanna, it makes me real happy

Anyway, how are we feeling?



129. JK finally updates the gc, but vmin are still stressed


131. I personally would never bet against Tae, but you do you Koo

132. Wonder what happened…

133. Jk makes up words when he’s stressed if you haven’t noticed

Also btw this is the day before The Interview™






139. Vindication


141. I just think that a little bit of crime gets yoongi goin, ya know?


TBD Bookmark above: That’s all for today folks, got you off of that cliffhanger lmao

Hope you enjoyed, yell at me on cc if ya wanna:


TBD: link to the top

TBD: and bc why not, I made a ko-fi


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