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Dec 5, 2022, 9 tweets

@Uniswap launched an NFT market aggregator platform and airdropped 5M USDC to historical Genie users on Nov.30th.

In today's #Datacheck, let’s track the performance of Uniswap NFT in the last six days.

1/As of 14:30 pm (UTC+8) Dec.5th:

- Total trading volume: $726,148
- Total transactions: 1,535

2/ Daily Volume

- Dec. 1st reached $246,565
- Less than $90,000 both on Dec. 2nd and Dec. 4th

3/ Daily Transactions

- 446 txs on the day of launch
- Declining to 159 in Dec 4th, fallen 64% from the top

4/ Uniswap NFT, as a NFT market aggregator

- Supports OpenSea, X2Y2, LooksRare, Sudoswap, Larva Labs, NFT20, and NFTX.
- Top Marketplace by volume and Txs: OpenSea (with a 57% share in volume and 79% in txs)
- Only NFT20 hasn’t been aggregated by now

5/ Performance in the whole NFT aggregator market since its release:

- Ranks 3 in trading volume
- Ranks 4 in transactions

6/ In terms of volume, @blur_io remains in the leading position in the NFT aggregator.

- Blur: nearly 80% share
- Uniswap: less than 5% share

7/ Blur announced the second round airdrop on Dec 1st, the day after Uniswap's release of NFT. The activity brought Blur a significant increase in users, reaching ATH at 5,178.

8/ Launching on Uniswap brought @pudgypenguins huge market attention. Its floor price rose high on November 30. Uniswap also held a joint TS, a better advertisement, with @pudgypenguins on Dec.2.

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