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Dec 5, 2022, 10 tweets

@itsnatlydenise Since we know Curioslight’s Twitter is gone let’s dig a little deeper. United24 has a tiktok 🤔 A media company, with pure propaganda. Ties with Balenciaga, big hitters, & President Z. One video caught my eye! See thread. #balenciga #UkraineRussianWar #ExitPollOnZee

@itsnatlydenise Here’s the TikTok and the video that caught my eye!

@itsnatlydenise We know Ukraine is the main sex trafficking hub in the world. But are they taking their own children & making videos stating it’s Russia? Why is our President so into giving Ukraine billions? The line is direct, you just have to dig a little deeper. #curioslight @itsnatlydenise

@itsnatlydenise Dig Deeper! It’s there, everyone is close.

@itsnatlydenise 1. I watched this live, I commented on why a CERN physicist was openly asking for money with an account for donations. I was blocked immediately to all CERN physicists accounts. On the feed Ukrainians we’re saying Putin was trying to save them from Z’s N a Z eee regime.

@itsnatlydenise We all know who came out in defense of Ukraine but here’s a little reminder. Watch till the end.

@itsnatlydenise Ignore the tiktok poster as she and her comments is irrelevant.

@itsnatlydenise Open society or closed society aka known as Good vs Evil and they want you to think they are good!

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