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Dec 6, 2022, 9 tweets

Middlesbrough 2021/22 results. Operating losses down from £30m to £19m as club returned to matches in front of paying fans #MFC

Middlesbrough total losses over the years £247 million. Club technically insolvent as liabilities > assets but parent company commits to support.

Revenue up £12m due to return of match day income and bigger commercial/sponsorship deals

Wages up as higher number of employees. Wages ‘just’ £106 for every £100 of income

Middlesbrough bought players for almost £10m and had sales of £2.8m in 2021/22

Middlesbrough owe Steve Gibson companies £142 million, EFL £6 million and HMRC £8m

Steve Gibson has also put in £64m of shares, which takes total investment to £206 million

Boro may have to pay other clubs and players up to £5,7m in add on fees

Since 30 June Boro have had net negative transfer spend of £13m and received £2.7m from ‘ongoing disputes with third parties’ which could be the Derby County/Mel Morris issue

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