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Veränderung beginnt bei einem selbst mit offenen Dialogen, Hinterfragen & Verstehen Tweets sind im Zweifel Satire Führe Dialoge gerade auch mit Andersdenkenden!

Dec 6, 2022, 13 tweets

There is an incurable gap between the reality of the global class struggle and the illusory world view clung to by much of today's woken faux-aggressive, capitalocentric "left", which can no longer imagine life outside capitalism.

For there to be a revolution of revolution, the class struggle must be led by something other than the current system left.

There will have to be a reconstruction of the left that differs from the current left in that it is not just the more progressive wing of the liberal order, but an enemy of capitalism, meant as the rule of vast fortunes.

Opportunist servants of the neoliberal system, that is, of the ruling class of huge fortunes, are not revolutionaries but counter-revolutionaries.

Once one understands that capitalism with its permanent global class struggle from above with redistribution upwards, with its imperialism, colonialism, wars, fascism, exploitation of the majority of the majority of the people is the main cause of the systematic inequality ...

and unnecessary misery in the midst of the greatest wealth in the modern world and that everything our governments controlled by the huge fortunes and dominating international institutions like the WHO, NATO, the EU, the WEF, etc.

is therefore primarily aimed at supporting imperialism, colonialism, wars, fascism and the exploitation of the majority of the majority, one can correctly see how one should behave as a revolutionary.

One can see that there is a reason why the media say the things they say about Ukraine, about North Korea, about China, about Iran, about Syria and so on.

That person knows how to correctly classify the increase in the global turnover of the 100 largest arms corporations to almost 600 billion US dollars. Once you realise this, you have learned to reject the misleading narratives,

the propaganda that is spread about these places. One also learns to see the liberation of humanity at its core in a global context.

Are these our Western values ...?

see also the thread 👇

Should the "American dream" really become a nightmare for the entire world?

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