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A trade union & professional body with almost half a million nurse, midwife, HCA, AP & student members. For workplace/membership queries DM or 📞0345 772 6100

Dec 7, 2022, 6 tweets

Today @SteveBarclay appeared across news programmes to spread falsehoods about nursing, and reiterate his refusal to negotiate on pay.

So Health Secretary, we want to remind you of the facts:


A pay rise for nursing staff is affordable.

FACT: the Exchequer would receive 81% of pay rise for nursing staff back through taxes, increased spending and savings on recruitment and retention.


The NHS is in crisis and patient care is not safe.

FACT: in a survey of over 10,000 nursing staff earlier this year our members told us 83% of shifts were short staffed. Only 25% of shifts had the full number of planned registered nurses on shift.


People are leaving the nursing profession.

FACT: The NMC register shows 25,000 nursing staff left the profession in the last year alone. More than 1 in 8 nursing posts in England are vacant.


Mr Barclay has not launched pay negotiations.

FACT: Strike action is currently paused in Scotland where a new pay offer has been made. RCN members are voting on whether to accept this offer.


A decade of underinvestment means experienced nurses are effectively working one day a week for free.

FACT: Experienced nursing staff have had a 20% pay cut over the last 12 years.


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