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I help businesses build MVP, Web, Mobile apps with mix of AI and Code. Founder https://t.co/FHMNUJ2QLs. Building https://t.co/gN9knfeRKe 🚀

Dec 7, 2022, 11 tweets

8 Google chrome extensions so good you'll feel stupid not knowing them ( All free ) :

1. ScribeHow [ @ScribeHow ]

A screen recording extension that may quickly turn any procedure into an instructional.

Procedures should be recorded and shared with 93% less effort.

🔗 scribe.how/chrome

2. Link To Text Fragment

This extension allows for easily creating a special link to the currently selected text on a page via the context menu.

An additional feature that allows you also to copy rich links.

🔗 chrome.google.com/webstore/detai…

3. Html to Design

Convert any website into fully editable Figma designs.

Leverage an existing website and import its HTML to Figma to start your own designs without building each element from scratch.

🔗 chrome.google.com/webstore/detai…

4. Bardeen [ @bardeenai ]

Stop wasting time with manual copy-pasting!

No-code workflow automation app that replaces your repetitive tasks with a single shortcut.

🔗 bardeen.ai

5. Quillbot [ @TheQuillBot ]

Paraphrasing tool that helps millions of people rewrite and enhance any sentence, paragraph, or article using state-of-the-art AI.

Checks the errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word misuse.

🔗 quillbot.com

6. Otter [ @otter_ai ]

Makes real-time transcription meeting notes that are shareable, searchable, accessible, and secure using artificial intelligence.

Both written transcriptions of the talks and captions for the live speakers.

🔗 otter.ai

7. Honey

Stop wasting time and money — PayPal Honey helps you find coupon codes on 30,000+ sites.

Whether ordering pizza, picking up shoes, or booking travel, look for coupons when shopping on thousands of sites.

🔗 joinhoney.com

8. Toby [ @TobyForTabs ]

Better than bookmarks.

Organize your browser tabs and access them quickly anywhere.

Toby is changing the way you save and access tabs by making them easy and fun to use.

🔗 gettoby.com

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