Amir Husain Profile picture
Founder @AvathonAI X SparkCognition @navigate_ai @SkyGridAI | Books #SeriousMachines #TheSentientMachine #GenAI4Leaders #Hyperwar | Board @UTAustin | Programmer

Dec 7, 2022, 5 tweets

I'm grateful that Texas' public school leadership is here at #HyperWerx today and we will discuss ways in which to use AI to protect our children against school shootings.

Our @sgold1b CMO is on stage right now!

Great turnout at @SparkCognition’s #HyperWerx school safety event.

Travis Motel of @libertyhillisd providing a great view of security at LH schools at the @SparkCognition School Safety conference at #HyperWerx!

Todd Peters of Adelson School, Nevada, talking about his extensive school safety experience and his implementation of @SparkCognition AI to keep students safe.

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