British Red Cross 🧡 Profile picture
For over 150 years, the British Red Cross has helped people in crisis, whoever and wherever they are. #PowerOfKindness Press inquiries:

Dec 7, 2022, 6 tweets

So #JingleJam2022 is well and truly underway, and we are proud to be one of the 12 chosen charities this year!🎮

But how will the money raised for us make a difference? Scroll down to find out more ⬇

50% of donations to the British Red Cross will help those affected by the conflict in Ukraine. ⬇

Support in Ukraine includes first aid, psychosocial support, financial assistance, and improving access to water. We help people navigate the asylum system and reunite families.
Our work continues across Ukraine, bordering countries and supporting Ukrainian refugees in the UK ⬇

50% of donations to Jingle Jam will help support our young refugee services in the UK. ⬇

Our support for young refugees includes essential items like food, hygiene packs, and clothing. We help with emergency accommodation, education sessions, and navigating the asylum system. Our services also help recently arrived Ukrainian families. ⬇

Want to get involved in #JingleJam2022?

Here are three ways you can join in. Watch all the action and sign up to fundraise here:

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