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Dec 7, 2022, 29 tweets

Pearl Habor Attack was really a cowardly sneaking attack?

- True meaning of "Remember Pearl Harbor" -

Read this thread.

At first, the fact cannot be ignored and must be known is that:
As Venona records showed, there were many Soviet spies in Japan and in U.S. and maneuvered to break out the war between them.
Read this thread.

Now let's see how many times U.S. officialy declared war.

According to Wikipedia, only 5 times!

What Kellogg-Briand Pact says:
To put it plainly,
- "Invasion" or "self-defense", that is for the countries concerned to decide
- "self-defense" is not limited to the defense of one's territory.
- Economic blockade is an act of war

What Roosevelt (FDR) Administration had done against Japan?

FDR's personal viewpoint to Japanese was filled with prejudice and discrimination.
He believed a theory insisted by Alois Ferdinand Hrdlička that the development of Japanese skull delayed by 2,000 years.

FDR's grandfather made a profit through opium business in China.
Their family had an affinity for China, so it is unpleasant for them interests of U.S. in China would be infringement by Japan.

Under Roosevelt, Japanese in America was called "Yellow peril" and was sent, at least 110,000, to internment camps.

Japanese-American soldiers were sacrificed as human-guinea-pigs.

In Japan-Sino war, U.S. had already supported Chiang Kai-shek behind the scenes.
Pratically it was "violation of neutrality".

U.S. itself exposed their support China in their Anti-Japan-propaganda movie, ex."Battle of China".

"Flying Tigers"
Few months before the attack of Pearl Harbor, they had a plan of air-raid on Japan, and FDR approved (JB355).

"Burma root", to support Chiang.

"American propaganda"

"Quarantine Speech"
On October 5, 1937, in Chicago, FDR gave the Quarantine Speech that suggested Axis power.

Yes, the war between Japan and U.S. had already started by U.S.

"ABCD Line"
Remember what Kellogg-Briand Pact says.
"Economic blockade is an act of war"

U.S. really hadn't expected Japanese attack?
Actually even the possibility of Attack to Hawaii had been warned.

Howard Zinn wrote:

But U.S. underestimated Japanese force, excluded Hawaii from alert area despite warnings and signs.

Many people misunderstand, but the fact is that during hits period there had many negotiations between the government of U.S. the government of Japan and tried to avoid the war.
(Soviet spies obstructed.)
See this time table.

At last, the practical ultimatum, unaccepted for Japan, called "Hull note" (Original was written by Harry White, Soviet communist), was given to Japanese side. Then Japan decided to attack.

Albert Nock, an author, told:

Later, Radhabinod Pal, a judge appointed to the "Tokyo Trials", included this phrase quoted by Bruce Blakeney, an American lawyer who worked for the defense at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal, into the decision.

Japan gave the ultimatum 1 hour after the attack. This was a fatal error of the Japanese side.
This delay was used as a propaganda as the sneaking attack by Japan.
But U.S. had already decrypted Japanese secret messages and known Japan would have delivered the ultimatum.

Listen to Dick Girocco, U.S. navy veteran, a suvivor of Pearl Harbor attack.

"Japanese army was fair.

They didn't target civilians."

(Civilian casualties were caused by misfiring on the part of the U.S. military.)

This monument in Hawaii says:


Attack to Pearl Habor was not a cowardly sneaking attack.

It was U.S. that stared acts of war against Japan without proclamation of war behind the scenes.

U.S. knew Japanese had a plan of a surprise attack. But they couldn't defend.

That was loss of U.S. intelligence.
Ultimately, in a sense, it was a surprise attack for U.S.

American, they do really "remember" Pearl Harbor?
They learned a lesson from this experience?

Listen to Girocco again:

For us, "Remember Pearl Harbor" means "Always prepare for war"

Sadly they allowed a REAL suprise attack on 911.

U.S. intelligence lost again...

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