@nti Hero 🧐 Profile picture
Plutoxin 7. Another Government lie. I seem to 'Notice' alot of things.

Dec 8, 2022, 17 tweets

Hello 'fellow white people', let me tell you why... <insert racist take> #TheNoticing

Hello 'Fellow white people', we are just the worst because... <insert issue> 😐 #TheNoticing

I'm not white, I'm J-wish. 🎶 1/4 #TheNoticing

I'm not white, I'm J-wish. 🎶 2/4 #TheNoticing

I'm not white, I'm J-wish. 🎶 3/4 #TheNoticing

I'm not white, I'm J-wish. 🎶 4/4 #TheNoticing

Here are some 'fellow white people', giving their opinions on your behalf. 🗣 #TheNoticing

Hello 'fellow white people', I give my opinion on your behalf so you don't have too. 🤓 #TheNoticing

My 'Fellow white people', let me tell you how to live your life. 🤥 #TheNoticing

Dear 'Fellow white people', allow ME... to speak for YOU. 😇 #TheNoticing

My 'Fellow white people', everytime you get censored... my opinions are presented as your own. 🤫 #TheNoticing

Hello 'fellow White people' if you don't like drag queen story hour, that's fine because censored people don't have opinions... only we do. #TheNoticing

My 'fellow white people', I incite violence towards your family. If that bothers you, well... it doesn't matter because you were already censored anyway 🤷‍♂️ #TheNoticing

My 'fellow white people' standby while I denigrate your culture, if you don't like it... I will get you censored and fired. 🤐 #TheNoticing

My 'fellow stick people' 🎭

Hello 'fellow White people', allow me to form a negative narrative you must comply too on your behalf.

If you don't like me doing that, it okay... because you have been censored so I speak for YOU anyway 🤷‍♂️ #TheNoticing

My 'fellow white people' it's censorship and unemployment for thee... but it's big tech and bot farm support for me 🤖 #TheNoticing

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