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Dec 8, 2022, 56 tweets

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🇷🇺🇺🇦🧵 Ukraine - Russia war explained.

The Russia Ukraine war can only come to an end if we the people are FULLY informed on How & Why it began.
With special thanks to Ali Mohammed @AliActuality for sharing his very extensive thread (50> tweets) and giving the permission make it my own. 🙏
⚡Please RT amap ⚡

2014: Here Zelensky Explains It Himself In A Performance Which Is Actually A Statement.

This thread will explain Zelensky's 2-minute video.

The Oliver Stone Documentary "Ukraine On Fire" (96 min) gives us a contextualised history of Ukraine leading up to the 2014 Maidan coup which was facilitated by the US insurrection organisation NED led by Victoria Nuland.…

The people of Crimea under Russian protection escaped the forthcoming Neo-Nazi led violence & killings.
This report is from September 2014 & I ask you to remember the name Ihor Kolomoisky as he plays an integral role as stated in Zelensky's video…

To show how heightened & savage wants for widespread slaughter are now. In April 2014, News Channel Hromadske gives license to journalist Bogdan Butkovich to say the genocide of 1.5 Million people in Donbass region is justifiable.
Who funds Hromadske in next tweet

Let's look at who funds the Hromadske tv channel (NGO). Most of the funding comes from the Dutch Embassy who gave 793,089 Ukrainian hryvnias (aprox €20.000 or $21.400) followed by the US Embassy and Soros International Renaissance Foundation

Life for the Russian speaking people of Eastern Ukraine in the Donbass region is under Artillery Fire.

2015 🇷🇺 Vladimir Putin 🇺🇦 Petro Poroshenko 🇫🇷 Francois Hollande & 🇩🇪 Angela Merkel create The Minsk Accord to end military siege & ceasefire.…

Minsk Accord wasn't implemented by the Ukrainian government.
2016 French CNews War Correspondent Anne-Laure Bonnel reports the continuing slaughter & how no channel broadcast her Docu on this. Note Russia didnt invade though wanted by Donbass.

Above shows the Neo-Nazi regime killing its own people.
@TheOliverStone Doc shows how these Nazis came into power. This thread shows how the US & NATO countries wanted a Russia Ukraine War.
US Senators John McCain & Lindsey Graham with Victoria Nuland. Speech for Nazis.

Here @TheSpyTheState reports for the LA Times on discovering the CIA training Ukrainian Neo-Nazis in the US & in Ukraine since 2015.
The pretext is preparation for war with Russia. Essentially, it's Terrorist Training & how to apply Terrorism.…

Since 2014, US has empowered, armed, trained & covertly financed Neo-Nazis to take control of Ukraine
2016 @thenation reports US Congress passes a bill which overtly states that they finance, arm & train Ukrainian Neo-Nazis. $2.76 Billion so far…

@CovertActionMag Report from 2021 explaining foreign mercenaries & more to contextualise Terror Wars.…

2018 @MaxBlumenthal and @aaronjmate writers for @TheGrayzoneNews adding to this to give context as to why Isreal is also involved.…

2018 Haaretz News.
"In the past, Israel has armed anti-Semitic regimes, such as the generals’ regime in Argentinia, it murdered thousands of Jews in camps its soldiers stood in watchtowers guarding the abducted prisoners with their Uzi submachine guns"…

@declassifiedUK by @kennardmatt Report 🇬🇧 Op Orbital has so far trained 22,000 members of Ukraine’s armed forces. In 2020, that training was expanded “to incorporate broader operational & capability orientated maritime & air capacity building”…

@declassifiedUK by @pmillerinfo "Ben Grant ex-Marine, was filmed by Reuters in Lviv trainstation on Sunday. Declassified claims his mother is Helen Grant, the MP for Maidstone and The Weald, in Kent
Helen Grant, a former justice minister"…

A thread by @BenjaminNorton from @Multipolarista giving further information/evidence on countries involved in creating this Russia Ukraine War.

"Ukrainian Nazis have been trained or armed by the US, UK, Canada, Germany, and Israel."

So far, everything is orientated around empowering a Neo-Nazi regime & military. In all of this, the people of Ukraine suffer while politicians & generals "play war games."
Yevhen Karas, leader of Neo-Nazi group C-14: "We have fun killing"
NATO countries finance & arm

2019 People of Ukraine shout they don't want Neo-Nazis by voting for Zelensky
"Among 44 contenders for President of Ukraine. Only 1 candidate can be formally attributed to the far right – Ruslan Koshulynskyi. He received 1.62% of the total votes…

2014 Zelensky's Video. "But the main Banderas man Kolomoisky prohibited it."

A brief & horrific introduction to who Bandera was & the genocide of Jews he facilitated during WWII.
Ihor Kolomoisky is todays Banderas, where Ukrainians of Russian heritage are to be killed

2015 "Estimates suggest Kolomoisky could call on over 20,000 troops and reserves. His Dnipro Battalion, also known as Dnipro-1, includes around 2,000 heavily armed fighters. The unit reported to have cost the banking billionaire $10 million to set up."…

NATO Representatives give their version. What's critical is that Jaresko is the IMF/US channel controlling $ for Ukraine.…

2015 Natalie Jaresko US citizen & Ukrainian Finance Minister. $17.5 Billion in "aid" from the IMF…

33% of Ukrainian people have their money stolen by Ihor Kolomoisky, which the US & IMF enable by having his bank nationalised.

2016 “Ukrainian authorities nationalize PrivatBank to safeguard financial stability" Christine Lagarde IMF Managing Director…

Kolomoisky steals at min $5.5 Billion

This was known as the nationalisation Bailout was $5.9 Billion
Kolomoisky wants another $2 Billion in payment.

(2019) @OCCRP

2016 Ukraines economy shrinks 10% & now more @bneintellinews……

Above shows how Kolomoisky was paid off by the US. He was also protected by the US to escape Ukraine. A Genocidal Oligarch & US regime, a perfect fit.

Kolomoisky controlled the oil company Naftogaz, creating an oligarchy conflict. 2015.…

Kolomoisky laundered his stolen money globally & especially in the US. His crimes in the US became so apparent that he would have been told to leave, which he did. FBI "Investigating".

Note: Bidens son worked for Kolomoiskys Burisma 2014 to 2019.…

2016 to 2019 Kolomoisky splits his time between Switzerland & Israel. This is where this thread shows the relationship between Zelensky & Kolomoisky.

"Zelensky has flown to visit Kolomoisky in Geneva and Tel Aviv a slew of times over the past years."…

2012 Zelensky's production company Kvartal 95 enters into a production deal with Kolomoisky 1+1 Media Group.

Pandora Papers shows that at the same time, Zelensky's company sets up offshore accounts or money laundering by proxy. @OCCRP…

Zelensky's rose to greater fame with his show "Servant of The People" broadcast on the 1+1 channel from 2015 to 2019.
He plays a teacher who fights to win the presidential election to defeat corruption.

In reality, a propaganda vehicle.

2019 Zelensky's has a landslide victory, winning 73% of the vote for the Presidential Election.
Nothing could be more clear for what the people of Ukraine want, peace & stability.

"I will never let you down," Mr Zelensky told celebrating supporters."…

2019 Kolomoisky
“If I put on glasses and look at myself like the whole rest of the world, I see myself as a monster, as a puppet master, as the master of Zelensky, someone making apocalyptic plans,” Mr. Kolomoisky said. “I can start making this real.”…

Zelensky now as President campaigned on an anti-corruption & anti-war platform.

Everything within this thread is factually & contextually accurate as possible. Zelensky knows he's a war prop & behaves like one.

@RealAlexRubi for @TheGrayzoneNews

Zelensky is a law graduate & actor, not a humanitarian or strategist.
Consolidating control for the US/NATO, not the people of Ukraine.

Shuts down the Kyiv Post, turning into pro war Kyiv Independent for Western public consumption. @bneintellinews…

April 2021 Russia deploys troops alongside the Donbass region borderline & secure Crimea as a Naval strategic point.

They call it a training exercise, but it's clear that a defensive line of attack is being deployed due to duration of deployed troops.…

February 2022 Russia deploys troops to invade Ukraine by land, air & sea. Vladimir Putin calls it "A Special Operation" to DeNazify Ukraine.

Russia presents to the media intelligence showing that Ukrainian troops were planning to attack Donbass.

Russia attacks multiple targets including US Bio Weapons Labs.

A very detailed investigation was carried out by @dgaytandzhieva exposing these US Bio Weapons Labs in 25 countries. Ukraine is one of them.

In what is surprising, the US publicly challenge the question of their Biological Weapons Labs in Ukraine.

Victoria Nuland answers that if Biological Weapons from their labs are used in Ukraine. It would be the fault of the Russians, not their own or Ukraines.

I can say as a former soldier that this is slaughter not strategy.

"President Zelensky signed a declaration on Thursday ordering a general military mobilization and prohibiting male citizens between the ages of 18 to 60 from leaving Ukraine."…

This strategy has been used by the US in Iraq, Libya & Syria. It's done to create lethal anarchy within a population.

"Zelensky has said he will be releasing prisoners who have "real combat experience" so they can assist with the war with Russia."…

War Propaganda is applied to every conflict, but MSM unfortunately is pro war to the extent the so-called left leaning MSM uses subterfuge to promote war & not report factually to help end war.

Surprised when a UK News business countered propaganda.…

War Propaganda tactics repeated by US/NATO. In Syria, it was "Save Aleppo" under attack.
In Ukraine, it's "Save Mariupol" under attack.

@EvaKBartlett is in Ukraine & has been put onto a Kill List. Targeted by Ukrainian forces.

When you release prisoners, arm Neo-Nazis, give anyone a weapon from fascist gangs to Mr whoever. The fallout is horrific as these people are out for a joyride. If you're lost in some Hollywood saviour epic, it really isn't like that.

More about the funding of Hromadske tv channel.
Ukrainian News Channel Hromadske promoted genocide of 1.5 Million people in Donbass & to present it as justifiable. For the people of Ukraine to accept it.

These pictures show who funds this propaganda.

Hromadske show Amnesty International on their page.

I believe in Amnesty International & know they have conflicts within the organisation. Yet the broadcast for genocide was in 2014. They still appear to sponsor Hromadske.

Link page may be removed.

Zelensky furthers total control by banning opposition parties. This literally means a dictatorship in Ukraine, with a Neo-Nazi command structure.
The Guardian a world renowned "left wing" News Business. Make up your own minds war collaborators or not?…

Here NATO PR Reps tell us how war is "aid."

"The U.S. has been by far the largest supplier of military aid to Ukraine in its war with Russia, providing $15.2 billion in weapons packages to date since Moscow invaded its neighbour in late February."…

Hilary Clinton wants Russia in a long-term war or "Forever War" in Ukraine to maintain global supremacy, etc. These people have no care for all that have and will be slaughtered.

The US has done this for 2 decades & don't want it to stop.

Zelensky ordering all males 18 to 60 means single mothers, lone women, girls & boys have fled Ukraine on their own seeking refugee safety in Europe.

Reality is that sexual predators will exploit this as an opportunity as done in the Middle East Wars.…

Organised gangs would have set-up networks in Europe to target women & children for whatever is in their imaginations. This war will or is creating a rape industry.

"Ukrainian women victims of Scandinavian prostitution networks after fleeing war."…

Difficult to imagine what you yourself have not experienced. Please read through this article to help understand the torture mothers are put through seeking safety for their children. Vulnerability & desperation is ruthlessly & mercilessly exploited.…

We can end this war & all other wars if we choose to arm ourselves with hard evidence provided to us by courageous people in war zones & at home reporting the truth, not constructed lies via MSM.

We confront politicians & MSM with these hard facts & push them to end wars.

More Very Reliable Sources @EvaKBartlett @johnpilger @VanessaBeeley @wallacemick @KevorkAlmassian @AbbyMartin @andrewfeinstein @timand2037 @ClareDalyMEP @NaomiAKlein @MintPressNews @sahouraxo @For2000years @wikileaks etc
YT: Gonzalo Lira / New Atlas / Scott Ritter / The Duran

53/ 🇷🇺🇺🇦🇺🇸🧵 14th March 2023, U.S. Sensor Eric Brakey talks about U.S. Hegemonie, on how the U.S. planned and carried out the overthrow of the Viktor Yanukovych government in Ukraine in 2014, on how Azov Battalion and other extremist groups were nurtured and weaponized against Russia and Russian-speakers, in other words the rise of Nazism in Ukraine.

54/ 🇷🇺🇺🇦🧵 Zhirinovsky's prophecy from February 1998

"Ukraine will perish if it cooperates closely with NATO and turns its back on Russia."

Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky (25 April 1946 – 6 April 2022) was a Russian right-wing populist politician and the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) from its creation in 1992 until his death. He had been a member of the State Duma since 1993 and leader of the LDPR group in the State Duma from 1993 to 2000, and from 2011 to 2022.

- DDGeopolitics

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