Lewis Silkin Employment Profile picture
Musings on #ukemplaw from @LewisSilkin's employment team. UK member of @IusLaboris. See @immigrationls @agediscriminfo @futureofworkhub for more

Dec 9, 2022, 7 tweets

Like a lot of people this week, we've been playing with #chatGPT. Here is some of the #ukemplaw inspired challenges we've been giving it.🧵

(Make your own chat.openai.com/chat)

Would you watch this Autoclenz v Belcher sitcom?

Here's that pirate song about TUPE that you never knew you wanted.

This article about the employment law implications of the office Christmas party is brief, but covers the main points. Now no one need ever write one again.

Do you think a Judge would grant this request for more time to file an ET3?

This Johnson v Unisys standup routine gets the facts completely wrong, but it's still funny (just not "ha ha" funny...)

"Never mess with a man called Johnson".

Struggling to understand the difference between direct and indirect age discrimination? This analogy using Christmas songs is hilarious.

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