Benjamin Carlson Profile picture
Ex-editor @TheAtlantic, ex-China journo @AFP. Comms director. Writing is an act of freedom.

Dec 9, 2022, 8 tweets

The CIA has run psyops on the American public for years.

In this 1983 clip, ex-agent Frank Snepp explains how the CIA did it in Vietnam. @Snowden highlighted a clip of this interview as the most important of 2022.

Here is the full discussion.

1. Spreading Disinformation

@Snowden 2. Exploiting Leading Journalists

The CIA courted reporters from the New Yorker and top newspapers to build trust.

Agents gave false facts wrapped in truth to create desired narratives.

@Snowden 3. Trading Intelligence

The CIA collected information from journalists in exchange for giving information. This was a "frequent transaction." Snepp says,

@Snowden 4. The Echo Chamber

The CIA worked to ensure that the lies planted with elite reporters could not be confirmed.

@Snowden 5. 'Propagandizing the Public'

Snepp left the CIA after Vietnam to criticize its propaganda.

The Agency sued him for exposing secrets, winning its $300,000 lawsuit.

America's only 'victory' in Vietnam, Snepp said, was weakening the First Amendment.

@Snowden Since then, technology has allowed intelligence agencies to more subtly manipulate the information we consume.

A stream of high-ranking FBI and CIA officials have taken prominent posts in media and tech.

The control is more overt.

Is it effective?

@Snowden More importantly: What is the objective?

@Snowden Found this interesting?

My mission is to empower people to become independent of the forces that want to control them.

If you'd like to continue the conversation, please follow me @bfcarlson and consider giving the first post a RT. Thanks.

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