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Dec 10, 2022, 16 tweets

For months now we have been watching small drones drop grenades on soldiers in trenches. What I have not seen is effective counter measures?

Has anyone seen any innovation in trench warfare and protection from the drones?

#DASA invested in a #TakeCover project to invest the Universal Battle Trench (UBT), but it has not progressed past a concept?

Innovation in defence must be something every force is considering. @thinkdefence has been writing about it for years, an we know the risk of not listening to him!

Having infantry stare down armour and artillery but also to survive drones is urgent! If sandbags are still the solution I think we are asking the wrong question! @GaardTech

Why has there not been more innovation in the force protection of soldiers?

Dying in place cannot be acceptable to the west so what are we going to do differently?

2022 years ago this was ok. Surely we must have a new approach to survive in the future!

I have been sent some amazing video and posts from others for will try to share!
This one shows a bomb catcher!

Maybe we need to consider prefab concrete and extensive defence of strongpoints?

In Australia we probably need to consider how we can use mines and tunnels. Shot Crete might be a critical capability!

Doesn’t take much to get detected!

Ok this one from @2805662 is too good not to share. Down the pipe with a grenade!

Even to Taliband have gotten into UAS.

Ok I should have know that @thinkdefence has already written on this topic! See @thinkdefence thoughts on the topic.

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