alexlansdowne Profile picture
@Our_DA Cape Town Councillor | Clean Water | Plant Conservationist

Dec 12, 2022, 8 tweets

#KnowYourRiver: Lower Diep River

This morning I will be walking the length of the Lower Diep River to Milnerton Lagoon mouth.

I will see for myself the state of the river & meet community members & officials along the way.

Start: 8AM

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The main tributary starts in the Kasteel Mountain, North of Malmesbury. It is joined by the Mosselbank catchment which finds it’s source in Durbanville.

It used to discharge into the ocean at three mouths but now has one fixed mouth at Milnerton Lagoon.

Malibongwe Drive Bridge & the N7 is where the river enters Urban Cape Town. Once upon a time people would float grain barges into the ocean from here.

Due to agricultural abstraction this river is a now dry here.

Rivergate land invasion.
These structures are below the flood line and cannot be serviced. Nightsoil being directly discharged into the wetland. This area is unfortunately within the conservation area.

The informal settlement on the railway line drains directly into the river. There is also industrial chemical pollution through another stormwater outlet.

Lots of bird life still persist.

The Milnerton Riding School utilises the trails along the river for riding. They proactively do flood risk management.

I will be working with the to the Milnerton riding community to deepen our working relationship along the Diep River.

Potsdam Waste Water Treatment Works

Aquatic Scientist Dr Liz Day has joined the #KnowYourRiver walk. I’m happy to see some interventions at the WWTW to protect the river.

The maturation ponds are about to be cleaned. This will significantly improve treated water quality.

Milnerton Lagoon

Most of the water here comes from Potsdam WWTW. It was nice to see a lot of bird life in the lagoon, all challenges considered.

There’s a lot of work to do in this catchment. But the @CityofCT is not afraid of the water. 💧

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