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Dec 12, 2022, 15 tweets

This photo is authentic taken by Japanese photographer who only saw the aftermath of a battle.
As Fitch says, these are bodies of thousands of panic Chinese KMT🇹🇼 SOLDIERS drowned on escaping BEFORE Japanese reached.
No evidence they are civilians.

Fitch says.

KMT🇹🇼 killed each other BEFORE Japanese came.
KMT soldiers cast away uniforms and died. #BarrierTroops

Thousands drown to die.

Later bodies were collected and probably counted as CIVILIANS.

Gum Inc card 1937

📕The book "The LIES of The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang"

Must-See many authentic photos in Nanking from that author are available.
👇👇📷Photos of Chinese people

Inconvenient truth about #NankingMassacre.
(Sub thread)

🎥Film taken only two weeks after Nanking fall, 1st & 2nd January in 1938 about a new year parade in Nanking. Chinese were celebrating and watching a music band by Japanese soldiers.
#JohnRabe didn't mention this parade in his diary. He is not truthful.

Killing contest?
1️⃣Not Nanking, the location & date is BEFORE Nanking.
2️⃣The publisher in 1989 acknowledged the article abt Japanese soldier, Mukai killing a hundred is groundless.
Even if he was, it was abt killing enemy SOLDIERS in battle like Lord of the Rings, not civilians.

NONE of eyewitness westerners saw Japanese soldiers killing Chinese 👉"civilians" 👉"in person".🤷
They only saw civilian bodies not knowing who killed, or Chinese soldier bodies who they thought were civilians.


The number of soldiers (death toll)
🇯🇵200,000 (💀1558)
🇹🇼~150,000 (💀50000?)
👇👇Female & child body rate is
only 0.3%

No such many population in Nanking at the time of battle either.🤷

The study about the population before/after battle (Nanking fall is 13th Dec 1937).
The population got even bigger after a battle.

Also watch out those irrelevant/fake photos circulating over internet.
👇Check the thread.

What Chinese KMT🇹🇼 soldiers did was
the public execution before a battle, refused Japanese ultimatum, burnt a city, killed each other because Chiang & Tang who escaped ordered to lock the gate & shoot those escaping, killed civilians, flooded into safety zone violated agreement .

5-6 thousands of KMT🇹🇼 soldiers flooded into a safety zone, took civilian clothings,stashed massive weapons using a safetyzone as a human shield.
Japanese painstaking job of screening & wiping out KMT might've looked a massacre to westerns, but it was not.

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