Sounish Nath Profile picture
Full-Stack Engineer | AI/ML | Google Cloud Certified | Building Scalable, Data-Driven Solutions | Data Engineer | Building & Optimizing Real-time Data Pipelines

Dec 12, 2022, 6 tweets

Strategy Design Pattern:
The Strategy pattern is a design pattern that enables selecting an algorithm at runtime. Let's check the #Python implementation step-by-step that I learned.
#programming #SoftwareEngineering

Step: 0/
Creation of `Base Strategy` abstract class model with necessary functions as `abstract method`.
#Python #programming #SoftwareEngineer

Steps: 1/
Implement the BaseStrategy model to your relevant class model implementation, likewise FIFO, FILO, and Random in my case, and code the functionalities.

Steps: 2/
Driver Class likewise `TicketBookingSystem` and function like `process_tickets()` with fn. parameters `base_model_strategy` class model.
#Python #programming #SoftwareEngineer

Steps: 3/
Check the implementation with `concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor` to parallelly execute and process the data.
#Python #programming #SoftwareEngineer

Execution Outputs:

Thanks to @ArjanCodes for helping me to understand the design patterns in python in the easiest explanation, super helpful. I will suggest anybody refer me.
#Python #programming #SoftwareEngineer

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