Blair Minchin Profile picture
Primary Teacher. Love a vlog and sharing practice. Pupil Voice. Posting daily video activities at @littlelessons20 during lockdown. All opinions my own.

Dec 12, 2022, 5 tweets

It’s that time of year when it’s lovely to really bond with your class and not many better ways of doing it was some board games.

These are all ‘quick play’ style games that take minimal setup, aiming for max enjoyment! #playistheway

This was one of my favourite games growing up - though I was never very good at it.

Just make sure they have a ‘bottom’ side and that they fill from the bottom up.

If I could patent this I would; played it again today and the tactics are ace and the tension just keeps building!

If you don’t have a whiteboard table for this one, a long piece of wallpaper or similar works well.

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