Jim Jones 🇧🇷 Profile picture
Searching for the truth, while bathing in an ocean of lies. Procurer of dank memes.

Dec 13, 2022, 17 tweets

1) I’m making my 1st thread, based off of various pieces of information I have put together, regarding Elon, twitter’s CP problem, Balenciaga, and how it all ties together. I don’t have many followers, so if this is informative, plz like/rt for exposure. #balenciaga #whiterabbit

Remember Yoel Roth? Twitter former head of trust and safety? Much of his past is now coming to light. Just take a gander at these to get an idea

3) Now CNN runs this piece, based off of “familiar sources”. It’s always the same playbook. Turn themselves in to the victim, to try to stifle any further conversation as hate.

4) But CNN would never run cover for pedos, right?

5) Remember this tweet from Elon? Look at who he is responding to.

6) He has made protecting the children his top priority, and I’ve heard unverified murmurs, that she will be leading some sort of internal investigation in Twitter. She is a former child sexual abuse victim, who believes this

7) Then last night, Elon tweets this. Just like with Yoel Roth, they are already in a panic and trying to run cover and claim it is a “Q anon conspiracy” (there is no Q anon, it’s a media psy op. There is only Q who made posts, giving information)

8) Q did, however, many times say to follow the white rabbit. So what does this all mean? Well, what do you know. Look at all of these pictures from the Balenciaga photo shoots that got so much attention. A carefully placed white rabbit (separate shoots, not just one)

9) What does the chemical compound of adrenochrome look like? You guessed it.

10) It’s not a new concept, look at Alice cooper’s album cover. Notice the white rabits, crying baby and symbology?

11) While no white rabbit in the Beatles, wtf is this? I always found them extremely overrated, and quite frankly, ugly. Almost like you can sell your soul for fame and fortune 🤔

12) And let’s not forget this spicy little tidbit. Baalenciaga (as spelled in a photo shoot) literally translates to Baal the king in Latin. Aka moloch, aka ancient demon who demanded human/child sacrifice. But don’t worry, he went away and people don’t do that anymore…

13) Now think about Epstein, maxwell, our own fbi/cia etc… And Elon just tweets this to one of the most powerful men on earth (Obama’s completely corrupt head of CIA, who IMHO was a part of the blackmail pedo ring.)

14) If I still have your attention, and have piqued your curiosity, read this very informative article to dig a little deeper.

15) the information is coming out faster and faster. I’m trying to make sense of it all as best I can, with the limited info we are getting. I hope you found this informative and interesting!

Meme addendum:

And wouldn’t you know it… look what Trump just re-truthed! The 1-2 punch of him and Elon is going to stretch them thin, fighting on multiple fronts. Not to mention an army of Anons. The dam is about to break!

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