Vova “words are a motherfucker” Zakharov Profile picture
Copywriter by day, coder at night · Building #JukeboxWebUI and other AI-ish tools for text, pics & music · As an artist: #GNRTD #MeatJoe @aiscapes

Dec 13, 2022, 9 tweets

Meet #Mindy, your AI friend that can help you brainstorm and flesh out ideas through chatting and mindmapping.

Obviously, the first question will be “how is it better than #chatGPT,” so here goes a thread!

But first, a short showcase:

1. First and obviously, Mindy builds mindmaps. So for those of us who are more of the visual type, this is a great way to brainstorm and organize ideas.

2. Mindy remembers all your conversations and stores them locally. You can navigate to them using standard browser means.

(Also, every conversation sets the page title to Mindy’s reply, so you can just start typing in the address bar to find it!)

3. You can generate several replies at once, which is very useful for brainstorming.

(Also, doing this at once spends slightly less OpenAI tokens as it doesn’t have to count the prompt as a separate request — more on tokens later.)

4. Mindy has a personality!

Unlike chatGPT, which keeps parroting “beep bop I’m a language model I can’t feel or think for myself”, Mindy is much more fun to talk to, especailly when it comes to “deep” topics such as philosophy and psychology.

Oh, and 5. Mindy has the world’s greatest dark mode — but I’ll leave that for you to discover!

Now for some drawbacks:

1. Mindy works under the bring-your-own-key model, so you’ll need to have an OpenAI account and tokens in order to use it.

So, while *I* don’t earn anything, you still need to buy the tokens. Warning, these can add up quickly for longer conversations!

2. Mindy is less advanced in strict “intelligence” terms than chatGPT.

The latter was fine-tuned for a long time, and likely also uses an advanced model, so don’t try to compare them in terms of accuracy.

3. Mindy is still in beta, so there may be bugs and other issues that need to be ironed out before it’s ready for prime time.

But if you’re up for the challenge, Mindy’s waiting for you at vzakharov.github.io/mindy/

Enjoy ideating and let me know what you think!

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