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Dec 13, 2022, 5 tweets

My Rebbe by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz

(p. 172) Jean Sulzberger of NY Times fame went to the rebbe many times for counsel. She was also involved in Time Magazine, Parabola magazine, the Gurdjieff Foundation. legcy.co/2VIL3Gg

Fellow new age occult perennialist traveler Rama Coomaraswamy wrote for Parabola as well. web.archive.org/web/2021022706…

#Sulzberger #perennialist

“Jean Sulzberger was present at the beginning and has been an invaluable support ever since—editorially, financially, spiritually....For all she has done, we at Parabola are proud to dedicate this issue on Wisdom to Jean Sulzberger.” store.parabola.org/vol-391-wisdom…

“We at Parabola grieve the passing of Jean Sulzberger, 94, a founding editor and senior Board member of the magazine. Jean for forty years supported Parabola editorially, financially, and spiritually. She will be greatly missed.” parabola-magazine.tumblr.com/post/139910947…

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