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Dec 14, 2022, 17 tweets

👤 #JohnRabe
Good Nazi? If you read his book,
1) He didn't see even a single case of Japanese killing civilians. He only saw dead bodies.
Oddly "bodies with vaginas thrusted" he saw are resemble to how Chinese soldiers killed Japanese.
👇Below tweet.

2) John Rabe, the leader of the safety commitee, habored two Chinese KMT🇹🇼 Colonels in his house, the violation of the agreement with Japan.
He was donated by Chiang Kai-shek🇹🇼.
He was not neutral. 

3) John Rabe didn't write about a new year parade in Nanking below in his diary.
Scroll down/watch the film🎥.

4) The other German, Scharfenberg criticizes John Rabe for hearing "only one side".
Did Rabe just want to be a hero to Chinese people by demonizing Japanese?🤷

👤Pastor #JohnMagee
This is all he saw.🤷

John Magee took a film, but he didn't see any killing civilians in person. No Japanese soldiers in it. This doesn't prove that the injured Chinese people were attacked by Japanese. Chinese KMT soldiers killed Chinese civilians. The film was not submitted at Far East Trial.🤷

👤Dr.Robert Wilson, who said a slaughter of civilians was appalling, actually stayed in the building and didn't see any but only "hearsay".🤷

👤#TillmanDurdin wrote articles abt massacre. Later he had interviews with Tokushi Kasahara on Sep 15th in 1986 & Aug 14-15th 1987 and he NEVER said he saw Japanese killing civilians, but only soldiers.
He saw a pile of bodies made BEFORE Japanese came.

👤Steel who wrote articles also had the interview with Kasahara in 1987. He only says he "asserts" Japanese killed civilians.
His article misses Chinese killing each other part👇, possibly the bodies he saw were Chinese soldiers' with uniforms taken.

Anonymous post in Chinese web says "Ex Chinese soldier saw Chinese shot many CIVILIANS on a panic escaping, a pool of blood."

This is not confirmed, but consistent to Steel's article.
The last missing piece of puzzle of #NankingMystery is still in China.

👤Miner Searle Bates
Biggest con man made up #NankingMasscre, yet never said he saw it in person.
He was the advisor of KMT🇹🇼 & REWARDED💰 by KMT in 1938 & 1946 .
He claimed 20000 rape cases at Far East trial, it's groundless.

Bates took a word "30%" from a burial team, he made his own claim 12000 civilians were killed(30% of total 40000 bodies found). It's wrong considering female & child body rate was only 👉0.3%. Most bodies were male, KMT soldiers🤷.

Not only they were not civilians, Bates said at Far East trial 12000 civilian bodies found were only from "inside" the wall.
Wrong. These bodies were from over Nanking.
Record shows the count is from both IN AND OUTside the wall.

To make #NankingMassacre more plausible, Bates had #Smythe conduct a survey over Nanking proximity beyond Western witness scope. The query has misleading form, only about the offense by Japanese not Chinese KMT, even when KMT was the one damaged that area.

The survey was done by Smythe & his students. Smythe report was made with Bates's writing at front and footnote referring to his propaganda of 12000 "civilian" bodies, making up the imaginary death toll and blaiming Chinese KMT atrocity to Japanese.

Oddly, all American individuals as eyewitnesses of massacre below actually didn't see the massacre by Japanese.


👤Australian Harold John #Timperley left Nanking on Sep while Nanking battle started on Dec in 1937. No witness.
He was working for KMT.
Later he published a book "What War Means" with its chapter1 written by con man, KMT🇹🇼 advisor #Bates. Not trusted.

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