Christian Breyer 🦣 Profile picture
Professor for Solar Economy @UniLUT. Interested in sustainable energy systems.… - -

Dec 14, 2022, 8 tweets

/1 new research @UniLUT on #100RE bibliometrics… Key insights: 550+ articles known; research field is growing with 26%/yr in research output for more than a decade and more than 1400 authors have been involved so far. 2021 articles counted until mid-2021.

/2 Europe, the US and Australia are the global research centers for #100RE, while a huge research gap for Global South countries still limits the impact of the research findings. Research from Global South for Global South is even more limited.

/3 most applied energy system models for #100RE are EnergyPLAN (74), LUT-ESTM (63), HOMER (22), TIMES (19), PyPSA (16), LOADMATCH (10), REMix (10), GENeSYS-MOD (10) - all others are below 10 articles. Balmorel articles were detected just recently.

/4 leading scientific journals in the #100RE field are Energy (91), Applied Energy (67), Renewable Energy (57), Energies (51), Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (42).

/5 leading teams according to published articles in #100RE are Breyer (74), Lund/Mathiesen (40), Greiner (27), DLR (26), Jacobson (22). Danish Technical University using Balmorel would be around (20) with newly detected articles.

/6 comparing top20 research organisations in #100RE to top20 in overall energy system modelling reveals a blind spot of otherwise leading organisations, as only @aalborg_uni & @chalmersuniv are in both rankings. #100RE community lacks diversity in gender and Global South.

/7 key teams have broad research cooperation among them, but also with less connected teams, while some teams in #100RE are not yet cooperating much with others in the field. 600+ references with almost all to #100RE research is cited and provided in the supplementary (tab Media)

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