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Dec 15, 2022, 22 tweets

They are one of us… but… wait a minute… they are us!

Meet our dear frens... Early Beboppers! 😎

2/22 This autumn we ran a survey to create a Portrait of an Early Bebopper. 😎

Today, we are excited to introduce a typical Bebopper based on the data we’ve received from nearly 10k #beboppers who participated in the survey.

….drum roll, please …. 🥁

3/22 Typical beboppers are still in their 20s. 😏

4/22 They might not work full-time in crypto, but they sure hustle crypto on the side. 😉

5/22 And they’ve been in this game since 2020. 💪

6/22 … they were first temped by Ethereum as the first crypto token they owned. 🪙

7/22 Typical beboppers start the day early. 🐦🐛

8/22 …and choose jeans for the best convenience.👖

9/22 …scroll Twitter every now and then to stay informed with recent updates from @elonmusk about the Twitter takeover and crypto heavyweights (including @bebop_dex 😉).

10/22 … when out, early beboppers prefer a beer to other drinks (although choose non-alcoholic options often too!) 🍻

11/22…and choose their all-time-favourite, The Matrix, for a movie night in. 🍿

12/22 They are active in DeFi and engage the most in trading both tokens and NFTs … Do not miss out airdrops… always early 👀😎

13/22 …their portfolio is up compared to the start of 2021 (good on ya fam) 📈

14/22 …while they still expect that the market will trend lower towards the end of 2022🤷

15/22 ...and even though the first token they owned was Ethereum, they are more likely to be a Bitcoin maxi than an Ethereum maxi 🤔

16/22 ...but when it comes to Mom … Ethereum is a go-to option. 🫣😵‍💫

17/22 They have a slight preference for hanging out in the Metaverse …escapism anyone? 🏝

18/22 … appreciate digital art and are most excited about @BoredApeYC club.⚓️

19/22 …they are an absolute jazz lover… as are we ❤️🎶🎷
p.s. 🤫 We can never get enough of our jazz channel on Discord!

20/22 HODL on frens… we’re just getting started! 🚀

21/22 Thank you once again to everyone who filled out the Early Bebopper survey!

We hope it was as fun for you all as it was for us. 💗

22/22…to be continued … stay tuned! 😉

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