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Dec 15, 2022, 15 tweets

“All Ages” Drag Queen Christmas Mega Thread 🧵

Yesterday, a blatantly sexualized show meant to groom children was hosted in Austin, TX.

This is a national tour with 36 shows in 18 different states, including DC.

There is much to go over so it will be covered in this thread ⤵️

This performer paraded around with his “tits in a box” and shook his buttocks for the crowd.

At one point the Drag Queen said “are you reaching for my titties are you hungry” to a child in the audience.

Throughout the Drag Queen talking he had multiple people spank him. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

“Screwdolph the Red Nippled Reindeer”.

In this performance they simulated sex countless times, sexualized a child’s story, including Santa, and had sexual videos playing in the background.

When the host asked a child what his favorite part of the show is he replied “nothing”. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

In this performance men with kink harnesses grab their privates, grind, and simulate humping.

The Drag Queen talked to a 9 year old named Major and then addressed the mother of the child.

“You are such an awesome mom for bringing your kid out to a FAMILY FRIENDLY DRAG SHOW”. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

“Crystal Methyd” performed with two other performers. They were all grinding and making other sexual gestures.

At the end of the performance Crystal licks his “Peppermint breasts“ and the host, Nina West, says “mmm minty fresh”. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

“Crystal Methyd” performed to “S&M” by Rihanna, grinding back and forth on a chain used as one of his costume props.

“$10 already, I think I have a fan. Obsessed much? It’s a child!

“I’ve got to think outside the box what am I going to do? EASY, make Jacob Marley a whore.” twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

This Drag queen had a lot to say to children who were on the front row who were being given money by their mother to hand to the Drag Queens.

He engaged with two different children, a 9 and 10 year old.

“Are you having fun, are you enjoying it, are you confused yet?”

The host, Nina West, played a “game” with the audience called naughty or naughty.

The game involved giving explicit details of sexual encounters.

In the video, Nina details having sex with her dads coworker in his office.

An audience member shared his explicit story as well.

“I saw you guys with your mom in the meet and greet, where’s Melinda the mom? Melinda right? Wait tell me your name again. Sonya! We need more mothers like you in the world, thank you so much.”

The Drag queen then addressed the children of the parent.

Over 20 children were in attendance at this show. These are the kinds of shows being marketed as “all ages” and “family friendly”.

Activists try to spin these shows as being educational and important to LGBTQ rights.

It will be interesting to see how they try to spin this one.

These were the event details prior to the tour, for some reason they removed the portion where it talks about being the “naughty tour”.

Now it simply states it is an “All Ages” Drag Show.

What is “family friendly” or appropriate for “all ages” about this?

This same show is being hosted in Dallas, TX on the 17th.

This report was made possible by @FamilyProjectTX

I forgot to mention, this was the tip jar that was displayed.

The host of this show, Nina West, is affiliated with Disney+ AND Nickelodeon…

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