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Dec 15, 2022, 22 tweets

Ok.Ready for part 3?
Meet: Bill Still
He will inform you about how our monetary system has been manipulated over the years by Central Banks.
Thank you Bill still.

Sorry for the long video.
These quotes are from Presidents,Legislators and Titans of the day. I would consider these to be first hand testimonys that these banking laws were passed without consent and that We The People did not receive full disclosure.
Meet:Colonal Edward House

He sounds similar to our friend
Klaus Schwab and his Globalist international banker buddies.
Funny how history repeats over and over like clock work every 70 years
or so.
Some say he played a big role in the creation of the birth certificate.

A little more on Edward.
The creator of this video seems to have overlooked the quote I posred.
The report was good and the pictures give you a sense of who characters are. This one looks like a gangster from the prohibition era.Haha
Any way...Moving on.

Here's today's mindset described in this meme I just found quoting a book by Jacques attalli in 1981.
Truly evil.
I think they just get worse and worse.

Let's get back to the bankers and the Federal Reserve.
Have you ever heard the term The Clearfield Doctrine?
This author lays it out nicely and shares an attorneys confirmation on the SCOTUS ruling.

A Government losses it's Sovereignty if they don't use real money?
Wouldn't that make the Officers that are here to serve and protect us liable to claims individually?
I can't believe they would leave our Law Enforcement professional Men/Woman so vulnerable to claims.

Here is one of many first hand witnesses being shuffled around using the rules of civil procedure.
Their even doing it to a decorated service member.
Meet: Colonal M.Sue Bozgoz

bitchute.com/video/iZ1UizvP… via bitslide

What happens when our public servants don't know this little known fact.It could get ugly real quick sitting in your automobile on the side of the road trying to teach Law to the law.
Let's see how Frank does?

Here's his channel on utube.
I would like to commend Frank for his courage and his ability to safely assert his Original Jurisdiction in a tense situation.

Just for the record.
I don't assign blame to any of these Officers. I blame those who know and take advantage of bad Legislation by not providing the remedy we require.
I also believe the more dialog we have with our Constitutional Sherrifs the less chance of confrontations.

What a great movie.
One of my favorites.

Let's see what an American State National is and what's going on?
Let's hear it for Living on Land.

Let me also point out that we all have this unalienable God given right from birth and the International bankers are giving us a bowl of lentils for our birthright.
Enough of the emergencywar powers.
Peace has been Declared.
We have a ton of work to do.

Recognize the Head of State?
Bobby Graves told us about him in yesterday's thread.
If you missed it you should go back and watch it now.👇

I'm going to end this thread tonight with another one from
Anna Marie Riezinger AKA
It ties this thread up nicely and it's called blood money.

Thank you Ed Movius

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