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Keyboard warrior, “… the most vehement and insulting of all archaeologists” and “overdue for a comeuppance” — Graham Hancock. Published by @DumbartonOaks 🇮🇱

Dec 16, 2022, 9 tweets

It's Final Exam time!

This thread presents the final exam that was used in Prof. Stephen Williams' course "Fantastic Archaeology " (ANTH 139) at Harvard in Spring 1983.

To my knowledge, this was the first college course in the U.S. on the theme of pseudoarchaeology.

"A crank is not a revolutionary whose time has yet to come. Cranks and revolutionaries constitute two distinct classes of thinkers, and history can never succeed in making one out of the other. The cranks of the past are still looked upon as cranks today."

This quote comes from "Science and Unreason" (1982) by Daisie and Michael Radner.…

This was the Midterm Exam from ANTH 139 "Fantastic Archaeology" as taught by Prof. Stephen Williams at Harvard in Spring 1983. Could you answer it in an hour?

It is telling to look back on these materials from over forty years ago and realize that they are just as relevant today. Prof. Stephen Williams was a visionary in this respect. Today, there are dozens of similar courses being taught in the U.S. and around the world.

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