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Official account of Centre for Cellular & Molecular Platforms C-CAMP, a Dept of Biotechnology, GoI supported initiative fostering high-end research & innovation

Dec 16, 2022, 5 tweets

Congratulations to Radhesh Agrahari from Mudita and Radhesh Pvt Ltd for winning the @SyngeneIntl Cash prize of INR 3 Lakhs in the domain of Therapeutics & drug discovery!

#NBEC2022 Grand Finale

@BIRAC_2012 @Taslimarif

Congratulations to Rajkumar Halder, #RuhvenileBiomedical for winning the @BioconBiologics Cash prize of INR 3 Lakhs in the domain of Therapeutics & Drug Discovery

#NBEC2022 Grand Finale

@BIRAC_2012 @DBTIndia @Taslimarif

Congratulations to @dnarepairlab #BioHues for winning the #Curadev Cash prize of INR 3 lakhs in the domain of Green Chemistry

#NBEC2022 Grand Finale

@BIRAC_2012 @Taslimarif

Congratulations to Prasad Desai, Animal Digital Information Systems #ADIS for winning the @AnthemBio Cash prize of INR 3 Lakhs in the domain of Molecular Biology & AI in Agri

#NBEC2022 Grand Finale


Congratulations to Srinath GS #TapahMechatronix for winning the @MahycoGrow Cash prize of INR 3 Lakhs in the domain of Agritech

#NBEC2022 Grand Finale


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