C-CAMP Profile picture
Official account of Centre for Cellular & Molecular Platforms C-CAMP, a Dept of Biotechnology, GoI supported initiative fostering high-end research & innovation

Dec 16, 2022, 7 tweets

Congrats #RuhvenileBiomedical, #TAPAHMechatronics, #FumaLabs, #BioHues, Mudita & Radhesh, #Biotherm Flavours & Fragrances for winning @sangamvc Invetsment opportunity of upto 8 lakhs USD in Clean & Renewable Energy & Agriculture domain

@BIRAC_2012 @DBTIndia @Taslimarif

Investment opportunity by @SocialAlphaIN for Healthtech & Medtech of upto 5 lakhs USD was bagged by Mudita & Radhesh, Kaushal Kothari,
@kosh_key & #ArticulusSurgical!

Congratulations to all winners


@BIRAC_2012 @DBTIndia @Taslimarif

@EnziaVC Investment opportunity of 2 lakhs USD for Healthtech was won by #TellusHabitat & @atom_360!

Congratulations to both winners!

@BIRAC_2012 @Taslimarif @DBTIndia

Congratulations to @DozeeHealth & #TellusHabitat for winning the investment opportunity of upto 1.5 lakhs USD from @ianetwork in the domain of Healthtech


Upto 1 lakh USD Investment Opportunity from
@CIIEIndia was bagged by @DozeeHealth & #ADIS


#NBEC2022 Grand Finale

@BIRAC_2012 @DBTIndia

CCAMP Investment opportunity of upto 2lakhs USD went to Mudit & RadheshPvtLtd, Dr Sharan Srinivasan @NerwoRehab & #BioHues @dnarepairlab!

Congratulations on winning the opportunity!

@BIRAC_2012 @DBTIndia @Taslimarif @NCBS_Bangalore

Congratulations to @BharathkumarHgd @AutoyosPvtLtd for winning the "Mentorship" Opportunity prize from @MC_InnoHub

#NBEC2022 Grand Finale

@BIRAC_2012 @DBTIndia @Taslimarif

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