fede 🇦🇷🇮🇱 Profile picture

Dec 16, 2022, 12 tweets

As promised, due to many requests, I’ll list, translate and then maybe even explain most of the chants that Argentine supporters will sing in the final, for those non-argentinians who want to join in.

Lyrics both in Spanish and English will be provided.

#VamosArgentina 💙

1) “Para ser campeón hoy hay que ganar”

“Vamos, vamos selección
Hoy te vinimo’ a alentar
Para ser campeón
Hoy hay que ganar”

“Let’s go, let’s go national team
Today we came to support you
To become champions
Today we’ve got to win”

2) “Esta noche cueste lo que cueste” twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

3) “De la mano de Leo Messi, toda la vuelta vamos a dar” twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

4) “Es un sentimiento, no puedo parar”


Ole ole ole, ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole, cada día te quiero más
Sooooy argentino
Es un sentimiento, no puedo parar


Ole ole ole, ole ole ole ola
Ole ole ole, I love you more each day
I’m Argentinian
It’s a feeling, I cannot stop

5) “Ponga huevo, vaya al frente, Argentina” twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

6) “Muchachos, ahora nos volvimos a ilusionar”

BONUS: National Anthem

“Sean eternos los laureles
Que supimos conseguir (x2)
Coronados de gloria vivamos
O Juremos con gloria morir! (x3)”

“May the laurels be eternal
that we were able to achieve x2
Let us live crowned in glory
Or let us swear to die with glory! (x3)”

7) Escuchen, corran la bola

Another pretty important yet controversial one.

It is is a social critique on French colonialism on African countries — and was also widely supported by the African footballing community. It’s against the French government.

🇦🇷🫱🏻‍🫲🏿🇦🇴🇳🇬🇸🇳🇨🇲🇿🇦🇪🇹 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

This song will be likely sung against France.

It‘a against how France — via the use of CFA Franc currency — issues money in exchange for ~50% of exports from African countries such as Burkina Faso ending in French treasury

Argentina stands with Africa against neocolonialism ❤️

8) “Cuando me muera no quiero nada de flores” 🌺 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

Today is the final. Regardless of what happens, this team marked a place in history.

As an Argentinian I’m proud of having thousands of foreigners supporting Argentina.

I’m asking everyone to give it their all as matches can be won on the stands, the fans are player Nº12.

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