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아포방포| studied at servington university and graduated with distinction in motherlogical studies

Dec 18, 2022, 43 tweets

#yoonjin exes-to-lovers au where Jin tried million times to let him go, completely ignoring his own feelings, and eventually he enlists without telling him, thinking it’s the only way to forget about Yoongi. He finally lets him go.

- angst but pls you know me i’m not a monster it will be light but still your heart will hurt
- hurt/comfort
- crack as always
- happy ending
#yoonjin #yoonjinau

i should mention that my boy is not going to military for 7817179 years as our irl jin did. in my reality he serves only 7 months and comes back. you serve only if you want to serve.

main tag yoonjin are idiots in love that weren’t thinking straight bc they are gay

pls don’t be a silent reader!!!

🪖18. funny how tables have turned

#yoonjin #yoonjinau


thank you for reading this small au.
love you and take care🪖💜

thread of my other works <3

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