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Leading the Tzivos Hashem and still handing out the magick dollar$ every Sunday.

Dec 20, 2022, 12 tweets

The man who threw the Pachamama idols into the Tiber River is politician, Alexander Tschugguel. Shown in the photo with Ewald Stadler and Rudolf Gehring forming the now defunct Die Reformkonservativen, REKOS (The Reform Conservatives) party.

Former chairman of REKOS in Vienna, welcomed friends of Chabad — Putin’s motorbiking militia of Luhansk “Nights Wolves MC” — to Vienna, as well as Aleksandr Dugin. web.archive.org/web/2019040512…

The bigger game of which REKOS and company are playing. bit.ly/2pF1Ltn

Konstantin Malofeev finances and hosts the “Vienna Alliance”, a ‘secret’ meeting of the far-right from Western Europe (including Roberto de Mattei & members of REKOS) and Orthodox Russians. These names should ring a bell. tagesanzeiger.ch/gipfeltreffen-…

Who Is Pachamama-Killer Alexander Tschugguel? bit.ly/2PSZEwH


Always the same names and faces.


Alexander Tschugguel is a member of an old Tyrolean noble family bit.ly/33rmH5P and when he formed REKOS with Stadler & Gehring, he was head of Jungen europäischen Studenteninitiative which is a sub-organization of the Pan-European Union movement. bit.ly/2WQIC3X

Alexander Tschugguel in a LifeSiteNews interview, “It is our duty to pray for the pope and to support him and respect his authority” lifesitenews.com/blogs/breaking…

Pachamama-Held Tschugguel im Interview: „Ich gehe nur noch zur Alten Messe“ thecathwalk.de/2019/11/04/pac…

Alexander Tschugguel's speech at The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) in McLean, Virginia

Birds of feather flock together.

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