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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Dec 20, 2022, 21 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 12.20 Hydropower and rainbows

News opens with dull readouts of Xi's latest missive and praises his phone call to Ivory Coast.
-Then it's hydropower on a huge scale
-Then the contagious spirit of the 20th
-About two minutes Covid news
-Putin meets Lukanshenko

China is radically altering and taming the natural landscape but the birds don't seem to mind.

The scale of the dam project is massive

The report on the spirit of the "20th" reaches the steppes of Inner Mongolia
It's just about all anyone can talk about.

...the spirit of the 20th.....

Food production just fine.

Pharmaceuticals, too.
Production up.

It's "Arab Culture day" in China

Joint Prevention and Control Press Conference.
Everything under control.

More jabs, reinfections tend to be mild, lots of supplies

Stats for the day. (2722 new cases)

Belt and Road international conference...

Russia blasting away as usual...

Ukraine fights back

But it's NATO fanning the flames and seeking advantage

NATO is not bringing peace to the world...

But Putin is.
Here seen meeting with Lukashenko in Belarus

To enforce the kind of peace that is sought, Russia is training and arming Belarus, nudging them to fight.

Israel-Syria in conflict.
Interesting CCTV map of Palestine.

Snow in Japan, Russia, and US.
This is the most upbeat conclusion in ages
(although the US scene is decidedly less impressive than the other two.)
And that's the news, folks.

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