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Christian. Pro-life Feminist. Wife. Mother. Cancer Survivor. Politically Independent. Past Engineer. Current Social Work student. Past Homeschool Mom.

Dec 20, 2022, 6 tweets

This is a depressing commentary on the lies young women are sold to benefit the abortion industry. They are taught to fear their bodies, their future children, and that success isn't an option without abortion. 😥


I don't know who was interviewed or how the questions were asked, but this indicates a pervasive concern.

It's not just young women. Young men have been taught to expect their partner to abort an unwanted child (and if he doesn't want the child he likely believes she doesn't either).

She feels abortion restrictions will interfere with the movie-perfect beer soaked college experience. 😳

She is seriously prioritizing the legal ability to kill her future offspring within her uterus over her existing family she is "really close" with. The brainwashing runs deep. 😥

The lies, misinformation and fearmongering from adults who blindly believe the propaganda starts early. 😥

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