ah kek 🦇🔊 Profile picture
Full-time crypto data analyst. Founder at @keklytic. All on chain analysis. Open for DMs. Data at @impossiblefi

Dec 21, 2022, 10 tweets

Finally Tweet to earn?
Here made a dash on @DuneAnalytics to monitor & finding the alpha for the @TwitFi_official stats.

Is tweet to earn the next big things?

(while let me tweet to earn)
1/ 🧵

Everything start from egg
Each player can mint 1 common egg FREE

🥚Rare egg price shoot up to 0.16 from 0.1 (mint price will keep increasing for each 1k sale)

Rare egg has chance to turn into chick, pigeon, swan and diff type has diff earning rate.


🐦From the top earn rate to bottom

Baby Bird

While each start from level E, bird can evolve by spending $TWT earned which let you earn more $TWT


Majority trying to get rare bird since the earn rate is higher if level up

Currently around ~70% egg minted are in rare


Recall from tweet 1 that >10k egg has minted but actually only 558 bird are deposit into the game for tweet to earn.

Where is the remaining bird goes?

Why are they not earning?


Secondary volume spike, majority are selling their bird and items on secondary market.

Feels weird and let's go check out opensea.


They are selling below mint price as AFTER they finish using up the ENERGY (feed)

Bird need FEED for you to tweet to earn. And bird need rest to RECHARGE the FEED for you to earn again. (Careful if u tweet more, your bird will get infected!)


You can claim 50% of $TWT earn and dump it straight.

These 3 days lot of claimers in claiming their earned $TWT.


Price of $TWT drop like no end

Is this the end for Tweet to earn?

We will find out

Thats all for the thread and thx for reading it while let me tweet to earn.

Here is the dashboard link if you wanna monitor it


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