Isabelle Baldwin 🌎🎞 Profile picture
film photographer / tucson, az

Dec 21, 2022, 22 tweets

famous photos + the cameras they were shot on (a thread):

“Earthrise” by astronaut William Anders, 1968 on a Modified Hasselblad 500 El

“Afghan Girl” by Steve McCurry, 1984 on a Nikon FM2

“Migrant Mother" By Dorothea Lange, 1936 on a Graflex Super D

"D-Day" By Robert Capa, 1944 on Contax Ii

Abbey Road Album Cover by Ian MacMillan, 1969 on Hasselblad 500C

"The Terror Of War" by Nick Ut, 1972 on Leica M3

"Raising The Flag On Iwo Jima" By Joe Rosenthal, 1945 on Speed Graphic

"V-J Day In Times Square" By Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945 on Leica Iiia

"Guerillero Heroico" By Alberto Korda, 1969 on Leica M2

"Burning Monk" By Malcolm Browne, 1963 on Petri

"Tank Man" By Jeff Widener, 1989 on Nikon FE2

Lyle Owerko, 2001 on Fuji 645zi

"Fire Escape Collapse" By Stanley Forman, 1975 on Nikon F

"The Shooting Of Lee Harvey Oswald" By Robert Jackson, 1963 on Nikon S3

Imagine Album Cover by Yoko Ono, 1971 on Polaroid

Dali by Philippe Halsman, 1948 on 9 x 12 cm TLR that he built.

Marilyn Monroe by Richard Avedon, 1957 on Rolleiflex 2.8F

“Bliss” Windows XP Desktop Image, 1996 on Mamiya RZ67 + Fuji film

“Department Store” by Gordon Parks, 1956 on Rolleiflex TLR

Buzz Aldrin walking on the moon by Neil Armstrong, 1969 on Hasselblad 500C

“The Falling Man” by Richard Drew, 2001 on Nikon DCS-620

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