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Dec 21, 2022, 12 tweets

Invitation to Bobby Zimmerman’s bar mitzvah

see Bob Dylan’s Jewish Odyssey for more bit.ly/2tczUBX


Larry King introduces Sammy Davis Jr. & Bob Dylan on Chabad Telethon 2010

Bob Dylan, Peter Himmelman & Harry Dean Stanton - Adelita (Chabad Telethon, 1989) facebook.com/dylanfans/vide…

Bob Dylan (aka Zushe ben Avraham, Bobby Zimmerman) celebrates Yom Kippur services at Chabad like a "pro" bit.ly/2FhuBG7

Rebbe Menachem Mendel #Schneerson did not acknowledge Bob #Dylan given his apostate status; until only after Dylan immersed in a mikvah in order to return to his Jewish self. Then the rebbe smile at him at the next farbrengen. #Chabad bit.ly/2FkSHji

Bob Dylan, “Chabad is my favorite organization in the whole world, really.” bit.ly/2UJGoRt

Bob Dylan's grandparents were Port Jews & Silk Road Jews. Dylan was fluent in modern Hebrew - Yiddish. bit.ly/2ULUaTI

The Chabad rabbi who performed Robert (Shabtai Zissel) Zimmerman's bar mitzvah was Reuben Maier. bit.ly/3gh5jJL

Dylan's ancestry was from Odessa, Ukraine, Lithuania, and Turkey. bit.ly/3gh5jJL

The Chabad rabbi who performed Bob Dylan's bar mitzvah was Reuben Maier and he was from Romania.

"A woman is suing Bob Dylan for sexually abusing her when she was 12 under a New York law that temporarily lifted limitations on such lawsuits...the Jewish rock star groomed and exploited her in his room at the Chelsea Hotel over six weeks in 1965” bit.ly/3CTQczd

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