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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Dec 21, 2022, 18 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 12.21 Best friend of best friend

-Cordial reception for Putin pal Dmitry Medvedev at Diaoyutai Guest House
-Xi is relaxed and smiling
-Covid news gets a pass, but pharmaceuticals booming
-Patriotic missiles are a threat to the whole world
-US looking at recession

It's like being with the best friend of his best friend...

A happy meeting of like minds

Xi makes phone call to Germany (still drilling away on long-term project to erode and disrupt NATO unity)

The next section of news is all talking heads and read-outs. Xi sends congratulatory message and then the text of Li Keqiang's remarks about the economy.

About two-thirds the way through, Covid gets an indirect mention. No stats, no hard news, but a bright, upbeat outlook on pharmaceutical production which is up. CCTV takes the viewer on an illustrated journey from factory floor to warehouse, from delivery truck to pharmacy.

Getting fever medicine to the people....

The pharmacy is well-stocked and not at all crowded.

Domestic innovation via satellite technology, more party meetings and the beautiful countryside.

Minorities are especially colorful and artistic.

And it's bombs away, courtesy of Russian Defense Ministry...

Russia advances...

Ukraine fights back

But the introduction of US Patriot missiles to Ukraine is a worry for the entire world.

Actions of US and NATO cause global famine

Capitalist UK is rocked by a nurse's strike...

Japan's exchange rate surges to 130 yen to the dollar.
Dollar going down.

US 70% likely to go into recession.

CCTV's US-based crew illustrates this important story with tomatoes.

And that's the news of the day...zai jian!

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