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Dec 21, 2022, 10 tweets

My Rebbe by Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz

(p. 172) Jean Sulzberger of NY Times fame went to the rebbe many times for counsel. She was also involved in Time Magazine, Parabola magazine, the Gurdjieff Foundation. legcy.co/2VIL3Gg

(p.84) Tsarist Russia sought to assimilate the Jews. Chabad was against this and led the rabbinic opposition. Chabad brought outside pressures to bear on the Tsar including international Jewish bodies and the Rothschilds.

(p. 117) "Yechidut" is the act of giving oneself over to the rebbe which gives him his power.

(p. 135) The rebbe used cultural appropriation to “transform” his enemies symbols into Chasidic ones thereby an act of Chasidic “conquest”. This was a common theme of his teachings.

(pp. 148-9) Why Chabad's HQ is in the United States of America instead of Israel & the rebbe's belief in the adoption noahide laws because Jews need to perfect the world.

(p. 174) Schneerson tells Adin Steinsaltz proper form of treatment for Steinsaltz's son whom had "acute myeloid leukemia". Steinsaltz believes the rebbe's blessing and guidance produced a miracle hence is the reason Steinsaltz's son lived.

(p. 176) Many Hasids are endowed with "ruach hakodesh" or ESP (extrasensory perception — perception or communication outside of normal sensory capability, as in telepathy and clairvoyance) including the rebbe.

(p. 177) Schneerson uses his power of ESP "ruach hakodesh" to save the life of Ariel Sharon the future ‘Butcher of Beirut’.

(p. 178) How the la kosher nostra mafia works, “A rebbe draws his power from the people, and employs his powers in turn, for their care.”

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