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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Dec 22, 2022, 30 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 12.22 When cabbages are king

Lead story today about cabbages, followed by apples, oranges, persimmons, blueberries and grapes.
-Nurses strike in UK gets more coverage than Covid in China
-Putin and Orban speak out
-Zelensky in US merits 2 seconds airtime

These are apple trees? Look how it grows on branches! Let us pick one for you, sir.
It is a big apple.
Yes, sir. A big apple for a big man.

More rural idylls and abundant yields

CCTV cameras favor red-colored fruit

No expense spared to show how the produce is piled up, put in trucks and delivered to market.
Impressive drone shots.

Grapes get a cameo, too. What a wondrous lush mist covered countryside, stimulated by spirit of the 20th party congress.

After the back-breaking work of harvest it's
"Smile, you're on CCTV!"
"Can you do a dance for the camera?"

The great thing about China's stable form of governance is that local officials really care about the people.
Here they go door-to-door in pairs, like Mormon missionaries, bringing good news of 20th and addressing popular concerns.
(Covid not among concerns judging from masks)

Low-end CCP officials fan out across the district to make sure everyone's happy.

"Ten typical problems in violation of the eight regulations of the central government"
Crackdown in the making?
The National Supervisory Commission Public Report is pointing fingers at violators across the country

The banality of authoritarian rule: questioning, surveillance and mandatory meetings.

Finally a mention of the all-but-ignored pandemic surge:

"Medical workers firmly hold the line, protecting the health of the masses..."

The State Council's Joint Control and Prevention Mechanism seems to be the only unit in China aware of the pandemic surge.

Here a call for third-tier hospitals to fulfill mission to heal and cure, with comments about need to look after the very young and the very old.

And then it's back to China reconstructs....

CCTV's got a new mascot for the Spring festival.

Looks like a rather demented rabbit.

And now over to Moscow for Russia Defense footage...

CCTV never contemplates the damage these things are doing to Ukraine, it's just a show of Russian "strength"

Russia shoots, Ukraine responds.
(CCTV's answer to "fair and balanced"

Putin vows to continue special military operation...

A CCTV reporters asks a question of Hungary's Orban.
"Yes, we think Europe will lose out big time if it fails to cooperate with China..."

Patriot missiles are a menace. So says the Russian Embassy in Washington DC.
Anything else going on in DC?

Yes, but you'll miss it if you blink.

Sum total of two seconds of coverage of this meeting.

And then it's back to Patriot missiles and NATO war exercises...

But the real big story is the UK nurses strike. It gets moe airtime than all the Covid coverage in China.

Russia unveils new gas pipeline in Siberia

More catnip for CCTV, the January 6, 2021 "incident"

The US is a messed up place, and that's the world as CCTV sees it on December 22, 2022


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