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Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust's Knowledge & Library Services MTW Book Club - Monday 2nd October 12-1pm!

Dec 22, 2022, 6 tweets

If you weren't able to make our 'Last Christmas' #MTWBookClub on 5th Dec, the full transcript of the discussion can be found ⬇️🧵🪡 @MTWnhs @kmptnhs

We hope you can join us for our next one 06/02/23. SAVE THE DATE📆

Keep your 👀 peeled for updates.

Q1. In the introduction Thompson and Wise (the curators of this book) state "our hope is that you will be able to see something of yourself within the covers of this book". What Christmas memory resonates with you the most, and why?

Q2. In the book we hear about what Christmas means to a range of people (e.g., an actor, comedian, celebratory chef, journalist, politician, doctor, vicar, and refugee etc.). Do you feel the collection represents the Christmas hopes of the ordinary person?

Q3. Some stories touch on the commercialisation of Christmas. Do you think the children of now experience a different Christmas to that of children from generations past? Why do you think this is?

Q4. If you could pick one person - could be a celebrity, friend, colleague, historical figure etc - to contribute a Christmas memory to this book, who would it be and why?

Q5. What does Christmas mean to you?

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