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Nonprofit championing humanism in healthcare for patients, families, clinicians, students, everyone | Home of Gold Humanism Honor Society & #WhiteCoatCeremony

Dec 22, 2022, 14 tweets

In 2022, with your help, we elevated humanism through useful tools and resources, thought-provoking webinars and events, and recognition of compassionate leaders.

Here's a roundup of 12 Gold touchstones of humanism, a tiny sampling of magical moments this year. ✨🧵

{1} Gorgeous art at our 2022 conference
The Healing the Heart of Healthcare Conference featured a beautiful Art Gallery of work by doctors, nurses, students, and more, alongside inspiring sessions and talks. View the 2022 Art Gallery Catalogue:

{2} Landmark study of GHHS
The first study to examine the demographic makeup of Gold Humanism Honor Society found most marginalized groups were represented equitably, or in some cases, favored—a rarity for medical honors. Read a Q&A w/ the study authors:

{3} Dazzling Gala with Northwell Nurses Choir
This superstar choir made up of nurses from Northwell Health, a Gold Partners Council member, performed inspiring songs at our Annual Gala in NYC, our first in-person since 2019.

{4} Thank a Resident Day draws 500+ sites
A record number of sites participated in Thank a Resident Day, which came on the heels of another inspiring Solidarity Week for Compassionate Patient Care. Mark your calendars for February 2023!
Sign up here:

{5} At 20 years, GHHS keeps growing
In its 20th anniversary year, GHHS continued to expand with new chapters. OSU is the first tribally affiliated medical school in America. Learn more about them on the Gold Connection podcast.

{6} Gold Corporate Council turns 5
The Gold Corporate Council, which is made up of global leaders of humanism in healthcare, marked its 5th anniversary in 2022. GCC members help reinforce humanism through Gold Human InSight Webinars, Oath Ceremonies & more

{7} Nursing leaders in the spotlight
The Gold Foundation continues to expand into nursing, & one great example was a panel @PlanetreeConf with academic, community health, and corporate leaders of nursing. This session was taped & will air on Jan. 10.

{8} Inspiring White Coat Ceremonies
White Coat Ceremonies returned to wonderful in-person celebrations. Gold co-founder and Trustee Dr. Sandra Gold spoke at this year's Barbara and Norman Seiden White Coat Ceremony @Rutgers_NJMS. Watch the recording:

{9} Magic at the AAMC
The popular AAMC Learn Serve Lead conference returned in-person for the first time since 2019, with four fantastic Gold sessions. The 2022 Vilcek-Gold Award for Humanism in Healthcare recipient Dr. Mona Fouad is pictured.

{10} Advancing Health Equity Series
All year long, @nyulangone, a Hippocrates-level Gold Partners Council member, & the Gold Foundation hosted a special series of Gold Human InSight Webinars on “Advancing Health Equity with Medical Humanities."

{11} Gold Student Summer Fellowships
"I’ve come to appreciate that practicing medicine is a privilege that should not be taken lightly..." - Yamilet Gonzalez, U of Central Florida College of Medicine
Read about 2022 Gold Student Summer Fellow projects:

{12} Hope Babette Tang Essay Contest Winners
The annual Hope Babette Tang Humanism in Healthcare Essay Contest once again drew moving stories from nursing & medical students. (Pictured: 1st place winners Mason Blacker & Jessica Pierce)

Thank you for your belief in our work. As 2022 comes to a close, please consider making a donation to The Arnold P. Gold Foundation. You would be making a very real commitment to placing human interests, values, and dignity at the center of healthcare.…

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