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i know good things. KPRVERSE Team ➕ #w3buildling good things in web3. Community is the ultimate utility; empower them and they will empower you.

Dec 23, 2022, 23 tweets

🧵 A THREAD (1/23)
On December 21st the long awaited Protocol from @KPRVERSE was dropped with much anticipation. I want to tell you why this project and vision is one of the most significant developments in the short history of Web3 and why you should be paying attention.

🧵(2/23) First, it’s important to understand that KPR is first and foremost a media brand. This means that their brand and reach expands as products are created through the development and evolution of intellectual property (IP) such as artistic works, designs, and inventions.

🧵(3/23) The best comparison that has been thrown around is that KPR is a Web3 version of The Marvel Universe, Star Wars, or Lord of the Rings etc. What KPR has right now is a foundation for this world and story to build out in true organic Web3 fashion.

🧵(4/23) This foundation is based on products that they have already developed:

• The best website in Web3

• The best trailer in Web3

• The collection and lore

• The tools/generator and technology (see Proof of Art)

• The Gallery

🧵(5/23) The goal of KPR is simple: “To empower the most talented creators of today with the technology of tomorrow.” This is about reimagining what is possible in this space and empowering famous creators and (perhaps more importantly) their fanbases to onboard into Web3.

🧵(6/23) "So how will KPR convince Web2 artists to onboard with them? Couldn't they just do it themselves?"

Glad you asked!

Fortunately we already have a case study with Khoa Viet. Khoa is a well known concept artist who has worked on League of Legends and Crash Bandicoot.

🧵(7/23) He also happens to be the artist behind the iconic KPR collection. @notrealend and @adventure_KPR were successful in onboarding Khoa to this vision because they sold him on the value of KPR for creators:

🧵(8/23) What KPR provided Khoa is a web3 streamline. They empowered him to #focusart while taking care of the production pipelines including but not limited to trait production, minting, and marketing. Through this, a critical product was developed: a proprietary art generator:

🧵(9/23) This case study effectively becomes a sales pitch to onboard web2 artists into web3: "We will empower you and pay you to focus art and build out this universe and IP - and take care of all the hard stuff for you."

That sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

🧵(10/23) Further to this - the artist gets to contribute to a NEW GENRE OF MEDIA and to leave their undeniable mark on the brand and on history. This is the kind of thing that gets published in art school text books. The first project of its kind; a pinnacle of web3 innovation.

🧵(11/23) What @KPRVERSE is trying to do is find the next Tyler Hobbs or XCOPY. KPR becomes a web3 training grounds. Eventually all the famous talents leave their mark on the platform, thus creating a museum of art that is both historical and timeless.

🧵(12/23) The artist can either choose to build out a collection with existing IP/lore prompts (BOON for example) or they can add their own creative magic and build out something new as a direct expansion of the world. This is a collective narrative, after all.

🧵(13/23) Also before we go any further; get the idea of a 10k collection out of your heads. We are talking, for the most part, smaller 1-500 supply collections that are aimed at bringing value to both the holder AND the creator.

🧵(14/23) So then: "What will this look like? What's in it for me?"

There is no good example of this because it's never been done before - but the best current Web3 comparison I can think of would be if @artblocks_io and @AzukiOfficial had a baby and named it @KPRVERSE.

🧵(15/23) What is in it for you is that holding the genesis collection will give you front row access to the IP being built here. KPR has stated that rewarding loyalty is at the forefront of their ethos. Keepers, will earn rewards as they move up the ranks of citizenship.

🧵(16/23) Loyalty (speculated as different citizenship tiers) will likely mean entitlement to:

- Exclusive Collections
- Limited editions that cannot be minted
- Front row access to current and future talents
- Airdrop of Collections
- Merchandise
- A LOT more.

🧵(17/23) Remember that these new collections will be created by well known artists with well established web2 fan bases. It's not enough to onboard the artist but KPR wants to make it easy and accessible for their fans to onboard to web3 too.

🧵(18/23) With these established fanbases - we can speculate that there will be a large demand for these collections built out in the KPRVERSE. Did I already mention a low supply? Well, I really hope you guys studied basic economics.

🧵(19/23) As these collections, and the world expands; so will the IP and KPR brand. Products will be created as the brand and IP evolves. The potential is unlimited. Let your imagination run wild. Books? Games? Movies? It's all within the realm of possibility.

🧵(20/23) There will also be opportunity to leave your own mark on KPR with community initiatives. KPR will empower the community to contribute to the IP. This could look like art contests or writing for The New Eden Express. That is what Web3 is all about, is it not?

🧵(21/23) TLDR:
KPR is an IP/Brand that will empower famous artists and creators in web2 to bridge into web3 which will evolve the IP/brand which will empower famous artists in web2 to bridge into web3 which will...

...well, you get the idea. You won't want to miss this.

🧵(22/23) Is it a sure thing? Nope! But I'm willing to take that bet.

Fortune favours the bold, and this project is about as bold as they come. What's bullish is that if you read my last thread you would know they actually have the team to pull it off...

No messing around.

KEEP (building).
PROTECT (artist integrity), and
REIMAGINE (a future we all want to participate in).

Don't fade what KPR is building. It's time to make history. It's time for a new genre of web3 media.

This is our time now.

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