Alexander B. Howard Profile picture
🛠️Dad, cyclist, citizen 💡🤳Author @CivicTexts: ☀️ Advocate @OpenGov 🇺🇸Editor @ePluribusUnum 📲4108499808

Dec 23, 2022, 9 tweets

Dear @nytdavidbrooks,
Democracies *have* been teetering for over a decade, & have not stopped. Authoritarians continue to be on the march, from Russia to China to Iran to Myanmar to the streets of our union.
Please review the evidence:… & write a followup

"Advances in global levels of democracy made over the last 35 years have been wiped out."
"The world has more closed autocracies than liberal democracies for the first time in more than 2 decades"
Global level of democracy "back to 1986"

Each bullet @katieharbath breaks out from the @vdeminstitute report could be a headline about the state of democracy on Earth:…
EDEM ranks USA 23rd globally on key democratic indicators - & falling. cc @MeetThePress @FaceTheNation @nytimes @USATODAY @WSJ

It’s not just Trump doesn’t “understand” democracy or patriotism, where people put country before party or personal interest: it’s that he’s an autocratic demagogue hostile to democratic institutions & processes:…
Under @POTUS45, global democratic erosion.

Watching the #SummitForDemocracy livestream:…
to see if @POTUS acknowledges the erosion of democracy @vdeminstitute @freedomhouse & others documented& lays out a global strategy against authoritarianism, from fascism to Communism.

At today’s #SummitForDemocracy, @POTUS @JoeBiden said he’s seeing “real indicators” after 15 years of democratic recession.

He claimed the democracies of the world are getting stronger, not weaker, &
autocracies are getting weaker, not stronger.

Not so:…

At #SummitForDemocracy, @POTUS @JoeBiden claimed the @WhiteHouse is “working” to pass the John Lewis Voting Right Act & the Freedom to Vote Act to strengthen American democracy — but he knows neither will pass this House, after he didn’t prioritize enacting voting rights on 2021.

Each #SummitForDemocracy @POTUS @JoeBiden convened has been far more focused on the health of other nations, despite the abundant evidence of its decline & the growing risks to American democracy from domestic threats to the Constitution & a void in accountability for corruption.

“Rights advocates say there is little evidence the countries joining the #SummitForDemocracy have made progress on improving their democracies, & that there is no formal mechanism to hold participants to the modest commitments made at the first meeting.”…

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