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Dec 23, 2022, 50 tweets

secret santa 🎅🏻❣️

a short #jaywon christmas au wherein jungwon asks santa for his best friend, jay.

happy holidays 🎄❤️ open.spotify.com/track/1IUtgwxL…























🎅🏻 - (tita parang kulang)





















end. 🎅🏻

MERRY CHRISTMAS JAYWONVILLE 🎄❤️✨ (kala niyo may mwamwa noh) curiouscat.me/lifelinez

coming out as one of the firm believers that santa was real and only recently found out that he wasn't HAHAHAHA 😭 not complaining bc it made my christmas extra fun every year bc my family was just so good at doing it pero nung nalaman ko nainis lang ako slight

KC PINAG MUKHA NILA AKONG TANGA?!? BINASA NILA YUNG MGA LETTERS KO?!? 😭 embarrassing. but it was fun and i miss the feeling of anticipating santa's yearly gift for me. 🥹 this one's a goodbye to that childhood memory.

and sabi nga ni jujuy, santa is real. he's just in the form of our loved ones and anyone who are willing to do his job every christmas.

may we all get our own santa claus in our lives, and be our own santa to someone that we love. 🎅🏻❤️ merry christmas!

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