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金培力 CCTV FOLLIES at Fulbright, Knight, Nieman Fellow.

Dec 23, 2022, 31 tweets

CCTV FOLLIES 12.23 CCTV deflects and misdirects
Xi regally instructs Hong Kong
Rice grows
Spirit of 20th
Putin pouts about Patriots
CCTV slams US for "fake news"
2 minutes of Covid coverage buried deep in light news.

Hong Kong's John Lee granted an audience in Zhongnanhai...Xi talks, the humbled visitor takes notes.

Xi also schools Ho Iat Seng of Macao
Mr. Ho doesn't want to miss a word so he takes careful notes.

In other Xi-themed news:
"New thought leads way to new journeys"
"Hold the rice bowl firmly in your own two hands"

rice grows and grows....let us count the ways.

Neither driving snow nor sweltering heat will keep the paramount leader from inspecting the provinces.

It's so big!
Let's see how long it is...

Agricultural drone shot medley

Spirit of the Xi's victorious 20th party congress spreads across the parched nation like wildfire.

Group sessions take on a quasi-religious cult-like quality

Not only was the 20th victorious, but the economy is bending to the will of the great leader, too.

The party is good for business, business is good for the party.

(the party takes credit for scientific achievement, too, even though it is steeped in superstition)

Democracy with Chinese characteristics:
"If you're happy and wanna show it clap your hands!"

China has a lot of meetings...

In other news, medical workers in Beijing and elsewhere work hard to meet the needs of the people.
Convenient fever clinics have been set up, but...

not much news here, as numbers are down.
"I expect only about 100 people today"
"Yes, it's obvious. The numbers are way down."

"It was really worth coming by. So close by and so convenient for the people!"

A glimpse of the hard truth slips in, or perhaps CCTV is just interested in exhorting medical workers to work harder.

"We have to grit our teeth and tough our way through."

Excerpt of chat shows doctor's willingness to work despite long hours and discomfort.

In other news, a snowmobile race is staged in Inner Mongolia. CCTV can't pass up the opportunity of having the natives dance and sing for the camera.

CCTV rightly suspects many people are stuck at home, and what better way to paddle through a pandemic than watch TV?

This weeks "leader" interview is a close-up with Venezuela's legendary leader Nicolas Maduro

In other TV news, a new patriotic series is about to be launched. What better way to uplift depressed spirits than to watch a gaudily-staged grandiose liberation of Shanghai?

For real life pyrotechnics, it's over to Moscow for a Defense update on the front...

The valiant general Shoigu visits the trenches...

Ukraine stubbornly persists with its resistance...

Putin is irritated. He wants Ukraine to surrender on Russian terms. His terms.
Now the US is making surrender less likely by giving them Patriot missiles.

It's not fair!

The introduction of Patriot missiles to the Ukraine theatre will only prolong the "special military operation."

CCTV's friendly reminder that Russia possess a great deal of gas and it doesn't have to sell it to countries that aren't nice.

It's all the fault of the US for fanning the flames...

"US provoked Russia into war!" says "a media personage in Brussels" according to CCTV.

"Twitter Aided the Pentagon" says The Intercept.

CCTV "knew" this all along. But it's news because the US media finally admits to it!

The spread of covert propaganda was deviously used against rivals to "manipulate opinion"

The US military wages information war and produces fake news to shape public opinion.

(Does this not sound vaguely familiar to CCTV?)

After a commercial break featuring peanut oil and hard liquor, CCTV wraps up it's hard-hitting news with a hard tale of US misfortune:

Heavy snow has blanketed the Old Corral Hotel and has caused numerous pile-ups and flight delays.

"Our broadcast is now over...."

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