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Dec 23, 2022, 13 tweets

The Flow of Ideas: Russian Thought from the Enlightenment to the Religious-Philosophical Renaissance (Eastern European Culture, Politics and Societies)

(pp. 181-82) Khomiakov's ideas while initially rejected by the Orthodox were nonetheless adopted by them. His ideas influenced Congar & Villain and Vatican II's 'Lumen gentium'. Khomiakov viewed Catholicism as "apostasy".

(pp. 587-8) Soloviev's “All-Unity”..."paved the way not only for the renaissance of the Orthodox Church, but also for the Second Vatican Council."

(p. 65) Rosicrucians were the elite of the Freemasons of Russia. Keep in mind that the Russian Orthodox clergy were dominated by Rosicrucians and their ideas.

(p. 133) Masonic/Rosicrucian journal 'Sionskii vestnik' or 'Messenger of Zion' filled with Talmudic & Kabbalistic ideas greatly influenced the clergy and Russian Orthodox bishops.

(p. 138) The anti-West Slavophile movement originated in Rosicrucian dominated Moscow.

(p. 822) Ivan Kireevsky co-founder of Slavophile movement criticized the West, Aristotle, & medieval Catholic Doctors of Church. Kireevsky wanted to recover lost teachings of Orthodoxy. He looked to elders (startsy) of the Optina Monastery for guidance.

(pp. 555-6) Soloviev, "believed that [the androgynous] Sophia was especially close to the mystical traditions of Eastern Christianity, because she was portrayed on an old icon in Novgorod Cathedral." 😂


(pp. 561-2) The Russian Orthodox Christian & Talmudist, Vladimir Soloviev yearned for a theocratic kingdom with Jewish overlords & a Tsar with Silk Road value$ because it would be something akin to heaven on earth. via @mauricepinay


(p. 568) Soloviev was put off the French Catholics didn't accept his Freemasonic ideas about religion.

(p. 569) John Paul II & Soloviev saw Catholicism & Orthodoxy as “two lungs of the universal church”. Keep in mind that Soloviev died in the manner of a dutiful Talmudic Jew reciting the 'shema'.

(pp. 822-4) Hesychasm 'summed up' by Gregory Palamas had been 'forgotten' by Orthodox until 'rediscovered'. Mt. Athos monks were "imieslavtsy" or name worshipers & spread through out Russia. Bulgakov on "imiaslaviie committee". Soloviev believed Hesychasm came from India.

(p. 824) Nikolai Berdyaev, "while discovering traces of his favorite Neo-Platonic tradition in the classics of Eastern mysticism, he made it clear that his principal teachers had been the German representatives of that
tradition: Master Eckhart, Angel Silesius and Jacob Boehme."

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