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Dec 23, 2022, 7 tweets

The year 2022 is drawing to a close, and yet another low-effort Twitter spam network is tweeting about Xinjiang. #FridaySpam

cc: @ZellaQuixote

This spam network consists of 50 accounts with female names created on April 26th and April 27th, 2022. Thus far, these accounts have posted all of their tweets via "Twitter for Android", and all appear to have been dormant between October 2nd and December 2nd.

The tweets tweeted by this network are often repeated verbatim by multiple accounts. Their content is a mix of feel-good content about Xinjiang, denial of human rights abuses by China, and tweets about U.S. political issues (abortion, student loans, military aid to Ukraine, etc).

This network retweets a variety of English and Chinese-language accounts (most of which tweet about Xinjiang). Some appear to be official government accounts, but many are random obscure accounts, and at least one (@Horatio53363883) presently sports a plagiarized profile pic.

Speaking of plagiarized photos, you'll be completely unsurprised to learn that the accounts in the spam network have pilfered their profile pics from a variety of corners of the Internet. (TinEye proved superior to Google for finding these images.)

This is far from the first time we've ran across a spam network tweeting about Xinjiang. Here's a Substack article covering the phenomenon:…

Also, here's a pastebin of the permanent IDs of the 50 accounts in the network, for those interested in such things.

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